Last Updated on January 10, 2025 by

These video classes by Swami Satyananda Saraswati teach the Sanskrit mantras of this sacred text with English Translation.
Devi Gita Video Class 1
Introduction and Worship
This video class introduces the origins of the pivotal conversations and stories in the Devi Gita, starting with the appearance of Tarakasura, “the Illuminator of Duality” who had the boon that he could be slain only by Shiva’s son. The class also demonstrates the method of worship used prior to chanting the mantras of this Sanskrit text as a sadhana or spiritual practice.
Devi Gita Video Class 2: Preliminary Mantras, Chapter 1
Verses 1 to 27
This video continues the demonstration of the method of worship used when chanting the Devi Gita. The class also includes the chanting of the Sanskrit mantras of Chapter 1. The translation and explanation of the verses are contained in the Devi Gita Video Class 3. The mantras are chanted in English as well as being translated and explained in English.
Devi Gita Video Class 3: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
In Chapter 1, Shiva and Vishnu are without their shaktis and Brahma has to perform all the functions of creation, preservation and destruction. Brahma sends his sons to go and practice tapasya or spiritual austerities in order to get the Divine Mother to take birth in the world. The mantras are chanted in English as well as being translated and explained in English.
Devi Gita Video Class 4: Chapter 2
Verses 1 to 51
This video class features verses 1 to 51 of Chapter 2 of the Devi Gita. In Chapter 2 the Divine Mother Goddess appears in response to the tapasya performed by Daksha and the other Gods and She agrees to take birth in the home of Daksha. The video class contains both a demostration of the practices and their Sanskrit mantras as well as a translation of the mantras and explanation of the practices.
Devi Gita Video Class 5: Chapter 2 continued
Verses 52 to 102
This video class continues Chapter 2 from verse 52 with the 108 Siddha Pithas. The video class contains both a demostration of the practices and their Sanskrit mantras as well as a translation of the mantras and explanation of the practices.
Devi Gita Video Class 6: Chapter 3
Verses 1 to 39
In this video class, Lord Vishnu and the Gods perform meditation and spiritual austerities with the objective of pleasing the Divine Mother to get her to take birth and become the wife of Shiva. The video class contains both a demostration of the practices and their Sanskrit mantras as well as a translation of the mantras and explanation of the practices.
Devi Gita Video Class 7: Chapter 3 continued
Verses 40 to 74
This class continues Chapter 3 at verse 40. In this chapter the Goddess agrees to take birth in the home of Himalaya. Himalaya asks the Goddess how he should act and what spiritual disciplines he should when he becomes the father of the Divine Mother. The video class contains both a demostration of the practices and their Sanskrit mantras as well as a translation of the mantras and explanation of the practices.
Devi Gita Video Class 8: Chapter 4
Verses 1 to 50
This video begins chapter 4 of the Devi Gita. In the 4th chapter, Devi responds to Himalayas questions and tells him about Yoga and Wisdom. She also talks about the unity between various philosophies of spirituality. It contains both the Sanskrit mantras and their English translation and explanation.
Devi Gita Video Class 9: Chapter 5
Verses 1 to 56
This video class explains the nature of Supreme Divinity and the Divine Mother Goddess reveals her universal form to Vishnu and the Gods. Upon seeing this cosmic form all the Gods join in prayer and ask her to again show her beautiful form as the Divine Mother. This video class contains the Sanskrit verses used in the sadhana of this text as well as their translation.
Devi Gita Video Class 10: Chapter 6
Verses 1 to 50
This video class explains that the goal of humanity should be to destroy ignorance. It is in Yoga with the Universal Soul that ignorance is destroyed. The translations of the verses as well as their Sanskrit chanting are explained in the class.
Devi Gita Video Class 11: Chapter 7
Verses 1 to 33
In this video class, Himalaya requests the Goddess to explain to him the practice of Yoga and all of its limbs. The Goddess begins her discourse of the various limbs of yoga sadhana and names them as Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. In the video class all of the mantras are chanted in Sanskrit and then beautifully translated into English.
Devi Gita Video Class 12: Chapter 7 continued
Verses 34 to 63
This class continues the Goddess’ discourse on Yoga. In these verses, Mother explains the various chakras, or energy centers found throughout the body. She explains the yoga sadhana of raising the kundalini. All of the mantras are chanted in Sanskrit and then beautifully translated into English by our beloved Swamiji.
Devi Gita Video Class 13: Chapter 8
Verses 1 to 31
In this chapter of the Devi Gita, the Goddess Devi explains how to meditate on the soul by use of the mantra Om. This discourse of the Goddess is chanted in Sanskrit in the video class and then the translation and explanation of the meanings are given.
Devi Gita Video Class 14: Chapter 9
Verses 1 to 45
In this video class, Himalaya asks the Goddess to tell him about devotion. Devi explains that Karma yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga all work together in the path to attaining Self-Realization. In the video class all of the mantras are chanted in Sanskrit and then beautifully translated into English.
Devi Gita Video Class 15: Chapter 10
Verses 1 to 49
In this video class, Himalaya asks Devi to explain those places of pilgrimage and festivals of worship which are most sacred to Her. The Divine Mother responds by saying that every place is Her pilgrimage place and every moment Her divine festival but then out of love for Her devotees she explains some specific places and festivals to be celebrated. In the video class all of the mantras are chanted in Sanskrit and then beautifully translated into English.
Devi Gita Video Class 16: Chapter 11
Verses 1 to 47
In this chapter, Himalaya asks to hear about the system of worship of the Goddess. Devi responds by saying her worship is of two kinds Vedic and Tantric as well as internal and external. The external worship leads us to the privilege and attainment of internal worship. In the video class all of the mantras are chanted in Sanskrit and then beautifully translated into English.
Devi Gita Video Class 17 Chapter 12
Verses 1 to 45
In this chapter, the Goddess instructs Himalaya how to worship Her and perform actions that are pleasing to Her. The system of worship performed in the Cosmic Puja follows the instructions outlined in this chapter.
Devi Gita Class 18
Upasamhar Puja
The Upasamhar Puja includes the Nine-Lettered system of worship which is called the Navarna Vidhi, as well as the Rig Vedoktam Ratri Suktam, which is the Vedic Hymn of the Goddess. The mantras are recited, and then Swamiji translates and explains the meanings with the eloquence and love that we have come to expect.
Devi Gita Video Class 19
Sri Devyatharvasirsham
The Highest Meaning of the Goddess is a very beautiful and esoteric combination of scriptures that expresses the “Shirsha” or peak of the Devi’s “Artha” or wealth. In the video class Swamiji chants the Sanskrit and then beautifully translates and explains in English.