Last Updated on December 29, 2015 by
Our creed is that there is One All-Pervading, Infinite Divinity, which resides in every being of Creation, and is especially manifest in the hearts of all humanity. This Divinity inspires within seekers sincerity, joy, love and wisdom, and the highest respect for all that lives. All bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit, and the highest ideal of man is to honor God through loving service to all created beings, and attentive devotion in the pursuit of self-realization.
Our purpose is to inspire the worship of the Divine and empower people to cultivate a closer relationship with God.
Our mission is to teach people how to worship with the greatest sincerity.
Our vision is to establish a temple in every home and in every heart, and to educate every individual to be the priest or priestess of his/her temple.
Our goal is to demonstrate the sincerity of our convictions through efficiency in our every action.
Our hope is to empower people to spiritual and economic independence through the pursuit of dharma (an ideal of perfection), artha (the procurement of the material necessity to maintain that ideal), kama (freedom from/fulfillment of desires), and moksha (Liberation, Self-Realization).
Our message is our way of life.
Our aim is to inspire in people the desire to follow the example of the Sadhus (the efficient ones) and the Rishis (the wise ones), examples that we find in Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati. By following their example we find a greater organization, a greater efficiency, a greater energy and a greater more vibrant relationship with God in our lives. The Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Ideal of Perfection) touches on every aspect of life and its scripture is never complete; each of us contributes in its writing by living the example.
Our process is to work together as a team in a spiritual family, for the expansion and empowerment of all the people in periphery of our influence, to create a bond of oneness in our entire family. Each person is an important part of our team, and that understanding inspires commitment. When we can work together, and derive a consensus on many kinds of decisions, we can move forward as One, with unity, harmony, and conviction. We invite everyone to be a part of this family.