Last Updated on January 21, 2025 by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
(8) Mahagauri Devi
ॐ देवी महागौर्यै नमः॥
Om Devi Mahagauryai Namah॥
Mother Durga’s eighth form is Mahagauri, the Goddess of the Great Radiant Light.
On the Path to Perfect Attainment, recall that the seventh Goddess, Kalaratri Devi, slays our ego, opening up space for the Divine Light. Ushering in this Divine Light is the role of the most radiant Goddess, Mahagauri, who resides in the crown (sahasrara) chakra.
Therefore, Kalaratri Devi and Mahaguari Devi work as a team – they are “two sides of the same coin,” so to speak.
The root “Maha” means great, and the word “Gauri” means white or light. So Mahagauri is the Goddess who is extremely white or the great radiant light.
The story is told that Mahadeva would call Parvati Devi “Kaalike” because She was dark in color. Once, after Parvati Devi did intense tapasya, Mahadeva was so pleased with Her that He showered Her with Ganga water. After that, She became a pure white color, totally illuminated.
Not only is Her complexion very fair, but also both Her clothing and her vehicle, the bull, are white.
Looking at the depiction of this great Goddess, Her purity and calm nature come to life. Here is the meaning behind her form:
- white: brilliant, pure, and shinIng; it also means all possible colors mixed together energetically, so it represents the culmination of all energies concentrated at the crown chakra; white also refers to shuddha sattva, which is transcendent purity that is untainted by the qualities of material nature
- right hand mudra: grants boons and blessings of fortune (śubhaṁ)
- trident (trishul): represents the dissolution of past, present, and future karmas and sins
- left hand mudra: bestows fearlessness
- drum (damaru): infinity, the sounds from the damaru beats the rhythm of the cosmic vibrations and the energy is activated by the divine Mother or Shakti
In Her essence, Mahagauri is the pure, stainless shakti that vibrates the entire universe into manifestation.
As a Mother, she takes care of Her children‘s karma and sins, fulfills their desires, and removes fear and sorrow, leading them to the path of virtue and self realization.
Shailaputri and Mahaguari
If you recall, Goddess Shailaputri, the first Goddess, was extremely beautiful and fair. Because of Her extreme fair complexion she became known as Mahagauri. She also adorns Herself in white clothes. The vehicle of Maa Mahagauri as well as Shailaputri is a bull. What is the connection?
In the human body, Shailaputri Devi resides in the first chakra, and offers inspiration while pointing her attention upwards (kundalini rising) toward Lord ShIva.
The Mahagauri Devi who resides in the Sahasrara crown chakra is the result of this Navadurga process (inspiration, learning, practice sadhana, clear out negativities, etc).
The crown is the target chakra of the most important energy channel in the human body – the Sushumna nadi. This is the nadi that the Kundalini energy, symbolized by a snake, ascends and causes the awakening of power and the realization of our full human potential.
So Shailaputri and Mahaguari (and all the Devis in between) are connected in the human body through the Sushumna Nadi. These Goddesses are just different expressions of the one Goddess Durga.
Navaratri worship: the eighth day is a very important day to perform sadhana, for the energy has now lifted to the crown and results are quick.
Focus on Her attitude, which is calm and peaceful. Chant Her mantra. Sadhana today has the power to wash away all previous bad karmas. She takes care of the future too, and you will begin to feel fearless.
Ask Mother for something today, you will feel taken care of and satisfied. Not sure what to ask for? Ask for Her devotion, She will point you in the direction of Lord ShIva!
Jai Maa!