Listen in to this captivating video as Swamiji explains how increasing our sadhana will decrease our worldly attachments! He states that the more we give, the more we get back, and that nature will eventually reciprocate our giving by taking care of us. Read on!
Question: How will Shiva help us on the spiritual path?
Swamiji Says:
What will happen ultimately is as you increase your spiritual practice, as you increase your puja and path, as you increase your sadhana, there is a corresponding decrease in the amount of worldly attachment and the amount of worldly interaction that you are required to perform.
It’s just a fact of nature. If you sit for longer and stronger and brighter and lighter with more dynamic meditations, for more time, there will be a corresponding decrease in the amount of worldly interaction that you are required to perform.
Until one day, people are going to come and they’ll knock on your door and there won’t be anyone home. And they’ll say, oh my God, this guy is useless!
Remember, some people are good for some things, other people are good for other things, sadhus are good for nothing! They just become useless characters.
So as you increase your spiritual discipline, there’s only 24 hours in a day and if you spend 8 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours of those 24 sitting in asana, putting flowers at the feet of a clay statue, somebody is going to say this lady fell off the deep end. And we don’t need her to work for us any more. You’re fired!
Once you get fired, nature is going to pick up, is going to increase the support of people who are no longer supporting themselves, they’re supporting others. As you are giving to the world, so the world will give to you. There is no doubt!
As you are efficiently and effectively inspiring and creating and giving to the world, the world is going to give to you. Nature will support you!
Now, you can’t just say, well, I’ve decided I’m going to give up everything and be a sadhu. The world won’t support you.
But as you slowly and deliberately increase the amount and intensity of sadhana that you’re doing, your contribution to the world will increase accordingly. And the way the world supports you will change. You won’t need to look for a paycheck every Friday. In fact, you won’t know where it’s coming from. Only you know that you don’t miss a meal unless you make an effort. And that’s how it works.
If you increase your spiritual giving, the world is going to support you more and more. And empower you to do what you’re doing.