Last Updated on August 12, 2024 by
Shree Maa, Swamiji, and the entire Devi Mandir Family are pleased to invite you to our newest class on the Devi Gita!
Join us on the Live Web-Cam every weekday evening at 6:00 pm PST.
The Devi Gita is a treasure chest of devotional practices and attitudes which every devotee of the Divine Mother will want to learn and apply.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s class on the Devi Gita provides a rare opportunity to become absorbed in His wisdom and His bhava (emotional attitude).
Swamiji’s unique interpretation of the Devi Gita was unveiled to Him after performing years of tapasya (spiritual practices) to gain the Truth about the Goddess.
Watch the Devi Gita Classes on Video!
Over the next few weeks, our beloved Swamiji will reveal the places of pilgrimage in honor of the Goddess, give instructions on proper asan and pranayama (sitting posture and breathing techniques), and explain beautiful acts of devotion which are pleasing to the Divine Mother.
In addition, Swamiji will reveal the answers to questions that are of utmost importance to sincere devotees of the Divine Mother:
– How should I act and behave?
– What should my attitudes be toward life?
– What should be my spiritual discipline?
– How can I remember Divinity all of the time?
Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity!
Join the Class (Weekdays, 6:00 pm)
Get Your Copy of the Devi Gita Book
Download the Devi Gita iPad App
Shree Maa and Swamiji send boundless love and blessings to you and your family!
Jai Maa! Jai Swamiji!