Last Updated on February 9, 2025 by Pallavi Sengupta
Please note: This video was recorded in the year 2013. As such, the dates and times that Swamiji quotes will not be applicable in later years.
Navaratri is a time to worship the Great Goddess. It is a time to remember our Divine Mother, to celebrate Her, and to come a few steps closer to Her.
Shree Maa and Swamiji often speak of their lives as a “celebration of worship.” Maa says that to her, life is a miracle; Swamiji says that life is “one celebration.” Swamiji explains that Navaratri can be any time. Every moment can be a celebration of the Goddess.
That being said, each year during the four Navaratris – winter, spring, summer, and fall – there is a special astrological confluence that creates a very pure energy. This pure energy exerts a positive influence on our sadhana, and devotees undertake special vows of worship during these times to maximize spiritual benefit.
In this video, Swamiji speaks about the types of austerities that devotees practice during this sacred time and offers ideas for sadhana for those of us who work in the world and have limited time for worship. Maa suggests chanting the 5th, 11th, and/or 12th chapters of the Chandi Path.
Swamiji also answers questions regarding the four Navaratris, choosing a Kavach (mantras that give us the armor of a specific deity), and the presence of the three gunas in all of life’s bhavas and activities.
We hope that this video inspires you in your studies and sadhana, and that you will join us in celebration this Magh Navaratri in any way that you can.
To learn more about Navaratri and Divine Mother worship at the Devi Mandir, please visit our Ways to Worship Durga and Chandi pages.
Jai Maa!