This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class goes over the Establishment of the Pot, the Kalasha Sthapana. In this pot of the various energies, all the gods, and all existence are gathered together.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 16. Worship of Shiva
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class gives the meaning of the beautiful mantras of the worship of Shiva’s Five Faces. Each of these faces represents a different eternal aspects of the one Supreme Divinity.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 18. Establishment of Life
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja class is the translation of the Prana Pratishta, the Establishment of Life. In this part of the Puja life is being established in the pot, in which the energy of our deity is established.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 19. The Song of Establishment of Life
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class is the translation of the Prana Prathistha Suktam. The Prana Prathistha Suktam is the Song of the Establishment of Life explaining all the energies and divinities gathered together in the Kalasha (the pot).
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 20. Conch Offering
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class is the translation of the mantras used for establishing the Vishesharghya. This offering is made of a conch filled with purified water.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 21. Purification of the Elements
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class gives the mantras of Bhuta Shuddhi, the Purification of the Elements. These mantras are the seed mantras of the various chakras.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 22. Dispersion of Inimical Energies
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. The mantras translated in this part of the Shiva Puja Class are the mantras for the Bhutapsarana, Dispersion of Inimical Energies, which are negative energies within our own minds.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 23. Cleansing of the Sinuses
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class translates the mantras of the Aghamarshana, the Internal Cleansing. This practice involves Jal Neti and Pranayama, Cleaning of the Sinuses and Control of the Breath.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 24. Establishment of the Letters in the External Body
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class is the explanation and the translation of the Bahya Matrika Nyasa, the practice of establishing the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet in the external body.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 25. Establishment of the Letters in the Chakras
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class explains and translates the Matrika Nyasa, the establishment of the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, in the form of bija mantras, in the chakras.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 26. Worship of the Divine Mother’s Body
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class is the translation of the mantras used for worshiping the Divine Mother’s body. This is done by touching different parts of the your own body with mudras and the recitation of these mantras.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 27. Establishment of the Internal Places of Worship
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class is the translation of the Pitha Nyasa, the Internal Places of Worship. These are the various points of the Shree Chandi Yantra, which is the yantra used in this tradition.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 28. Meditation on Shiva
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class is the English translation of the Shiva Dhyanam, the Mediation on Shiva, The Consciousness of Infinite Goodness. Shiva is extolled in his various forms, such as the eleven Rudras, the Husband of Uma, as the Supreme Guru and many others.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 29. Establishment Within
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class English translation of the Establishment Within. In this practice Lord Shiva is invited to come and reside with as in our heart and remain there until the Puja, or worship, is complete.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 30. Establishment of Life
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This is the explanation of the Bija Mantras, the seeds syllables, for establishing the divine energy of Shiva within us. In this way we recognize and remember that God is within us, even though we are worshiping him outside.