This part of the Sundar Kanda podcast is the introduction to the story. Swani explains the background to this particular chapter of the Tulsidas Ramayana. He also explains the beauty of the Sundar Kanda and how gives us a representation of perfection in every relationship.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 2
In this part of the Sundar Kanda podcast Swami begins reading the Sundar Kanda in English. Swami also answers questions from devotees related to the Sundar Kanda and spiritual life.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 3
In this part of the Sundar Kanda podcast Swami continues reading the English translation of the Sundar Kanda. Swami also discusses various topics with devotees related to the meaning of the Sundar Kanda and what role it plays in our lives.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 4
In this part of the Sundar Kanda podcast Swami continues reading the English translation of the Sundar Kanda. In this part of story Hanuman returns to Sri Rama with the news that he had met Sita.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 5
In this part of the Sundar Kanda podcast Swami continues reading the English translation of the Sundar Kanda. This episode covers the same part of the story as the last episode but is on a different occasion and has a different conversations between Swami and devotees.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 6
In this part of the Sundar Kanda podcast Swami continues reading the English translation of the Sundar Kanda. This episode begins with Vibhishana trying to convince Ravana, the Ego, to give up his enmity with Sri Rama.