Last Updated on February 26, 2016 by
Class 20: Ch. 14, pp.292-294
M. and Girish (to Ramakrishna): Sir, won’t you sing for us?
Ramakrishna (with a beautiful sweet voice began to sing of the divine qualities):
Protect the Divine Mother in your heart.
May you see Her as I see Her and nobody else.
You take away all of my desires
and my anger and my passion.
I am seeing with great deep intensity,
and I am keeping that sweet nectar within.
Again and again I pray to the Divine Mother,
Maa, don’t give me bad desires,
and don’t give me inauspicious thoughts.
Send them all far away from me.
Give me the eyes of wisdom as protectors
so that I am always protected
and always be careful not to accede
to bad desires and bad thoughts.
His singing intensified expressing an overwhelming love for Divine Mother and utter disdain for worldliness. He was going deeper and deeper inside while continuing to call on Divine Mother with great love and affection.
Maa, You are the Mother of all bliss.
Don’t make me devoid of bliss.
Mother, fill my mind with Your two lotus feet.
I don’t want to know anything more.
I don’t even need to know what’s happening
to this body composed of five elements.
I am simply going to sing
the name of Divine Mother and sail
through this worldly sea singing Your name.
This is my only desire.
You can submerge me
in the ocean of this world,
but I won’t know anything.
I only know my devotion to You.
Day and night I’m swimming
in the bliss of Your name.
Durga! Durga! Durga!
I’m totally immersed day and night
in the name of Durga,
but still all the pain has not left me.
If I go on in this way, oh, Most Beautiful One,
I shall surely die,
and there won’t be anybody
to sing the name of Durga.
Ramakrishna sang another song about the Mother of eternal supreme consciousness:
You’re always in ecstasy with Shiva,
and the two of you only bliss.
Though constantly drinking
this nectar of devotion,
it never exhausts itself.
The entire earth is shaking
under the feet of Shiva.
He is dancing like a crazy man.
No shame and no fear can remain.