Last Updated on January 10, 2025 by

By worshiping Shiva we cultivate the qualities of infinite consciousness and freedom from attachment to the objects and relationships of this world. Lord Shiva frees us from pain and fear because His Consciousness allows us to see attachment and thought as passing states, granting us equanimity and acceptance of all as the play of the Divine.This video teaches the Beginners Puja, Intermediate and an Advanced Puja of Lord Shiva and gives the complete system for Yajna, or fire sacrifice. Yajna is the union between the fire burning in the Ajna chakra, the light of meditation, and the howan kunda, the sacrificial altar.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 1
Introduction, Sadhana Panchakam
This video class begins with a reading and explanation of the introduction to the original text by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, followed by an explanation and commentary on Adi Shankaracharya’s Sadhana Panchakam. In this class, first the Sanskrit mantras of Sadhana Panchakam are chanted followed by a detailed explanation in English.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 2
Shiva Puja
This class contains the beginning practices of the Shiva puja. Practices included in this sadhana are as follows: Devata Pranam (Prostrations to the Gods and Goddesses), Shiva Dhyanam (Meditation on Shiva), Achamana (Cleansing with mantras), and Sankalpa (Sacred vow of worship).
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 3
Shiva Sankalpa Stotram and Ganesha Puja
This video explains the meaning of the Shiva Sankalpa Stotram (Prayer to attain the same strength of Shiva) and Ganesh Puja (The worship of Lord Ganesh, the Remover of Obstacles).
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 4
Ganesh Atharvashirsham and 108 Names of Ganesha
This class continues the explanation of the sadhana of worship of Ganesh. Practices included are: Ganesh Atharvashirsham (Vedic prayer detailing the highest spiritual meaning of Ganesh), and the Ganesh Shatanama (One-hundred-eight names of Ganesh). First the Vedic Sanskrit mantras are chanted followed by an English translation and detailed explanation of correct application.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 5
Punya Havachana, Svasti Vachana, Samanyarghya, Pushpa Shuddhi and Kalasha Sthapana
In this class the yoga sadhana of Lord Shiva are described: Punya Havachana (Proclamation of spiritual merits), Svasti Vachana (Proclamation of spiritual blessings), Samanyarghya (Establishment of purified water), Pushpa Shuddhi (Purification of the flower offering), worship of Shiva and Kalasha Sthapana (Establishment of all divinities in a pot).
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 6
Sthiri Karana, Prana Pratishtha, Visesarghya, Bhuta Suddhi, Bhutapsarana, Kara Shuddhi and Aghamarshana
The yoga sadhana of Lord Shiva are described: Sthiri Karana (Establishment of stillness pot of the mind), Prana Pratishtha (Establishment of life in the pot through pranayama), Visesarghya (Conch Offering), Bhuta Suddhi (Purification of the Elements in the body), Bhutapsarana (Dispersion of inimical energies), Kara Shuddhi (Purification of the hands with Vedic mantras), Aghamarshana (Purification of the nasal passages through jala neti, mantras and pranayama). First the Vedic Sanskrit mantras are chanted followed by an English translation and detailed explanation of correct application.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 7
Questions and Answers
Swami Satayananda Saraswati takes questions about the practices in the text up to this point from a group of spiritual students. His answers clearly bring to light the many different layers of meaning and bhakti (devotion to God) which run through the Vedic mantras and prayers.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 8
Bahya Matrika Nyasa and Anga Puja
In this video class explaining the yoga sadhana of Lord Shiva, the practices described are: Bahya Matrika Nyasa (Establishment of the syllables of the Sanskrit alphabet throughout the physical body), Matrka Nyasa (Establishment of the syllables of the Sanskrit alphabet within the yogic chakras) and Anga Puja (Worship of the body of the Goddess through mudras and mantras).
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 9
Pitha Nyasa, Shiva Dhyanam
In this video class the practices described are: Pitha Nyasa (Establishment of the sacred pilgrimage centers within the body by mudras and mantras) and Shiva Dhyanam (A second, different meditation on Shiva).
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 10
Tantric offerings
In this video Swamiji details the correct circumstances and reasons for the offering of intoxicating substances in the Tantric systems of worship. The method and mantras are explained for worship with intoxicants, along with the result that is the perceiving of the subtle sound frequency inherent in the mantras.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 11
Prana Pratishtha, Stapana, Puja Naivdya, and Shiva Kavacham
In this video the practices described are: Establishment Within (assorted mudras to invoke the divine energy within the body), Prana Pratishtha (Establishment of life within the murti through mantras and pranayama), Stapana (Establishment of life within the yantra through mudras and mantras), Puja Naivedya (Offerings of assorted articles to the deity) and Shiva Kavacham (The armor of Shiva).
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 12
108 Names of Shiva and Shivashtakam
In this video class explaining the yoga sadhana of Lord Shiva, the Vedic mantras described are: Shiva Shatanama (One-hundred-eight names of Shiva) and Shivashtakam (Eight verses in praise of Shiva).
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 13
Drawing the Yantra and Enkindling the Sacred Fire
Swami Satyananda demonstrates all the proper mantras and rituals for creating the Yantra in the Howan Kund (Sacred Fire Altar) and enkindling the Sacred Fire for worship. In this video class, Swamiji leads us from beginning to end through the entire system of creating the proper space for the Sacred Fire, as well as invoking its presence and bringing it to life.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 14
Shiva Yajna Paddhoti, Sarvato Bhadramandala Devata Stapanam, and Sam Gacchadvam
In this video the practices described are: Shiva Yajna Paddhoti (The System of Worship of the Sacred Fire), Sarvato Bhadramandala Devata Sthapanam (Establishing all the different divinities within the Sacred Yantra) and Sam Gacchadvam (An ancient Vedic prayer calling all beings to come together in spiritual harmony).
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 15
Homa Viddhi, Prana Pratishtha, Stapana and Puja
The practices described are: Homa Viddhi (Procedure for invoking and worshipping the Sacred Fire), Prana Pratishtha (Establishment of life within the Sacred Fire using mantras, mudras and pranayama), Stapana (Establishing the diety on the Yantra in the Sacred Fire) and Puja (worship of the Sacred Fire with assorted articles and mantras).
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 16
1000 Names of Shiva
This video begins the discussion and recitation of the Shiva Sahasranam or the Thousand Names of Shiva with names 1 to 200. These mantras are used to make offerings to the divine fire. In these beautiful mantras Shiva is described in many ways such as the Soul of All, the Ultimate, He who is bliss, He who is all actions. The names are given in Sanskrit along with an English translation.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 17
1000 Names of Shiva continued
This video class continues the explanation of the Shiva Sahasranam (The Thousand Names of Shiva) with names 201 to 400. Many of His divine names and qualities are described in these mantras such He who is intensive light, He who is all beings born, He who is the soul beyond all worlds. The names are given in Sanskrit along with an English translation and explanation.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 18
1000 Names of Shiva continued
This class continues the explanation of the Shiva Sahasranam (The Thousand Names of Shiva) with names 401 to 600. These verses sing of Shiva divines qualities and names such as the Cause of Peace, He Who Is Shining with Purity, He Who Is the Excellent One That Destroys Time. The video contains the Sanskrit names and their translation.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 19
1000 Names of Shiva continued
This video class continues with names 601 to 800. These mantras sing the praise of Shiva’s divine names and qualities such as He who is the light of wisdom, He who has conquered desire, He who is all life. First the names are given in Sanskrit and then translated to English.
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 20
1000 Names of Shiva continued
This video class continues with names 801 to 1008. These mantras and names explain the divine qualities of Lord Shiva such as He who give rise to all actions, He who sees with all eyes, He who has no form. These names are given in Sanskrit along with an English translation.–ChvxWY3ug
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna Video Class 21
Sarvato Bhadra Mandala Homa, Purnahuti, and Shiva Arati
This video class explains practices related to the Shiva Yajna Padhoti (System of Worship of the Sacred Fire). The Sarvato Bhadra Mandala Homa is the sacrificial fire offerings to the execellent circle of all the gods. The Purnahuti and the Tilak come at the end of the fire ceremony to return the divinity invoked in the fire to the unmanifest. The arati is the dance of celebration and pranam is bowing down to show our appreciation for having been able to perform this worship.