Last Updated on September 12, 2022 by
So Shiva always meditates on Vishnu. And it’s very interesting, one day in Kailash, Parvati was looking a little bit bored because Shiva was just sitting there in deep, deep meditation. And she called, “Oh Lord.” And Shiva didn’t respond. And she said, “Shiva!” And Shiva didn’t move.
And Parvati just stood there watching him for a long, long time. And ultimately when Shiva opened his eyes, Parvati bowed down with devotion to Shiva. And she said, “Shiva, I have to ask you a question. The whole world meditates upon you, everyone is praying to you, meditating upon you, contemplating you, upon whom are you meditating?”
And Shiva replied, “I always meditate on Vishnu. Ram is always in my heart.”