No sooner has the experience started to sink in, who should arrive? None other than our very own Swamiji, Master Teacher, …read more
This section contains lots of wisdom from Shree Maa and Swamiji! You will find questions and answers, articles, explanations of specific verses and mantras, and messages from our own Divine Mother, Shree Maa.
We hope you enjoy and find value in all that this section has to offer. Peruse at your leisure!
Sweet Reflections on Chaitra Navaratri
The scenery at the Mandir was perfectly staged for worship — the majestic rolling mountains, the earth coming alive with fresh green grass and spring flowers, the playful deer competing for food, the delightful peacocks always cawing – Maa! Maa! Maa! — indeed, everything reminded me of God.
Alongside of Shree Maa and Swamiji, …read more
Enlightenment: A Special Dialog with Swamiji
Reading about the lives of saints and sages, we learn about the exalted states they reached through their devotion and wisdom. They are said to have experienced the highest realization, with absolute conviction that they too were embodiments of God.
What is this state called enlightenment? How do we attain it? We talked to Swamiji to find out the …read more
Shree Maa’s Indispensable Wisdom on How to Defeat the Asuras!
Are you tired of battling the negative tendencies in your life? You know, the ones that keep repeating themselves over and over — like aggressiveness, fear, pride, shame.
Don’t let negativity get you down! Overcome these tendencies by applying Shree Maa’s indispensable wisdom on how to defeat the asuras (demons). …read more
Attain Perfection in All Endeavors – Understanding the Nine Durgas
Now, for the first time, Swamiji describes the nine forms of the Goddess, how She manifests in our spiritual life, and the worship which brings the attainment of perfection in all endeavors!
These nine forms of Durga describe the different aspects of the Goddess and by chanting the …read more
The Wonder that is Shree Maa
This delightful article about our beloved Shree Maa was recently published in the Indian newspaper Deccan Herald.
It portrays a beautiful picture of Shree Maa and Her profound, yet simple, teachings about how to experience divinity in our lives.
Read about Her life of service and Her teachings on Karma and the responsibility of the Guru.
…read more
Wisdom on Gossiping
Ancient Wisdom….
Keep this in mind the next time you are about to repeat a rumor or spread gossip:
In ancient Greece (469 – 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day an acquaintance ran up to him excitedly and said, “Socrates, do you know what I just heard about Diogenes?”…read more
Stormy Night Arati
For spiritual aspirants, stormy days and nights are sure to occur, and Mother Nature makes no exceptions for devotees at the Devi Mandir. One of these storms had just enough […]
Family Dharma
The family is the altar upon which human life is measured. Cultivating a spiritual approach to family life is Dharma. Shree Maa and Swamiji present expert advice in living the Dharma of a spiritually rich family life.
Shree Maa on the Real Wealth of Humanity
The Real Wealth of Humanity While materialism and our drive for money often rule our lives, Shree Maa teaches the real wealth of Humanity: Freedom from fear True purity Complete […]
Advice from Shree Maa
God is Eternal; the world is temporary. God is One, but has infinite names and infinite forms. If you call upon God in a true and simple manner, you will […]
Shree Maa on Supreme Divinity
Shree Maa was reading from a Bengali book and explaining the teachings of Shankaracharya and Sri Ramakrishna about the nature of Supreme Divinity: Acharya Shankaracharya realized and lived with Supreme […]
Ramakrishna on God and Peace
This is a short article quoting Ramakrishna’s advice on how to obtain peace.
“The more you come to God, the more you feel peace. Peace, peace, peace- supreme peace! …read more
Who is the Divine Mother?
She is the eight forms of wealth; She is the Eleven Relievers from Sufferings; She is the twelve Sons of Enlightenment. She is All Gods who drink the nectar of […]
Shree Maa’s Prayer to Divine Mother
“Oh dearest Divine Mother, we offer our prayer unto you. We are your children; please accept our plea. Divine Mother you are the bestower of excellence. You are the well-wisher […]