Last Updated on June 19, 2020 by

Tattva Jnana, by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Product Details
- Paperback
- Publisher: Devi Mandir Publications (2004)
- ISBN-10: 1877795623
- ISBN-13: 978-1877795626
Book Reviews of Tattva Jnana
By Rita Gonzales, Brasilia
Tattvas are principles that help us to understand who we are. What an incredible goal? The Tattva Jnana book lists the concepts that lead us to this understanding. It is like a road map or clues in a treasure hunt. It is a great way to think more deeply into who we are and where we want to go.
By Larry Burbank, Tempe
Tattva Jnana book lays out the concepts and philosophies that underlie our very lives. It is great book to study to get a deeper understanding of the foundations of Sanatana Dharma. I recommend it to all students and spiritual aspirants.
By Gautam Shenoy, California
I am learning a lot every day from reading the Tattva Jnana book. The slender volume hides the enormous wealth of knowledge it contains. For example, in so many mantras and prayers we hear words being repeated three times (e.g., Om Shanti Shanti Shanti) what are these threes? Why are there threes? These types of questions are answered by studying the Tattva Jnana book. To obtain a solid understanding of what we chant, this book is very important. So I recommend it to all earnest sadhaks.
By Ralph Cooper, Boulder, CO
Very interesting and thought provoking book! I look forward to studying it and learning more.
By Bill McDonald, Columbus
I have reading the Tattva Jnana book over the past weeks and I am really struck by how much great material there is in this book: what are 7 levels of consciousness that we say in the Gayatri mantra? What do they mean? How does this matter to us in our every day life these and more questions I have been answering just by reading this book. It is an amazing eye opener!!! Strongly recommend to all!