Shree Maa giving blessings on Holi. Picture taken March 21 2008 in India. The Divine Mother’s holy feet decorated for Holi. Picture taken March 21 2008 in India. […]
Shree Maa & Swamiji- Trip to India- March 20 2008
A Temple in Every Home, God’s Abode in Every Heart
Our plane touched the sacred soil of Mother India on March 11, 2008 and our hearts were filled with love and joy! Shree Maa and Swamiji humbly bent down and bowed down to Mother India as soon as we got off. Swamiji has explained to us that Bharat means the land where the Light of Wisdom shines. Today, even amidst neon signs proclaiming malls and global brands, we still see the eternal light of Divine wisdom shining and feel the sweet love of God in the lap of Mother India.
We were taken to a devotee’s house which was decorated with marigold flowers and lights and most of all devotion to Mother and Swamiji! We went to their temple room which had many little Shiva lingams, numerous deities and beautiful pictures of Shree Maa and Swamiji. The shrine room is small and can seat only 10 people.
We walked around the house and saw the living room. It was decorated in a modern cosmopolitan style – with western European hand sketches, an ancient blouse from the Mughol era and decorative statues. Maa and Swamiji said, “We will make a temple here.”
In a matter of minutes, the couches were moved and space was made on the northern wall. A long table was placed and Chandi Maa’s picture housed in the middle. The walls were decorated with artificial flower garlands. Shree Maa placed two beautiful vases of flowers besides Chandi Maa. She was smiling at all of us – in Her new home! We brought a Shiva Linga for Maa’s puja and all other deities came running too!! Besides the main altar, Maa made an altar for Ganesh on the right and Thakur Ramakrishna on the left. Tea candles were placed all around the altars and incense sticks were lit.
Maa started ringing the bell and lit the arati lamps! She was singing to God and our hearts were brimming with delight! The room was completely transformed – from a room for dinners and parties to the divine abode of Gods and all devotees. In a matter of minutes, we learnt from Shree Maa and Swamiji, make place for God and God will come! We learnt that as we create a divine atmosphere outside, we create space within ourselves for divinity to reside.
That very evening, we had satsang with arati and little singing. Our host, Maa’s devotee was drowning in tears of joy, adoration and love. The whole community joined us in singing to God and feeling divine presence in our lives.
Shree Maa- Trip to India- Family Reunion
Bara Maa, Shree Maa’s mother, came today along with many members of the family. After twenty-five years their family joined in one place. We all joined in arati. After arati, […]
Shree Maa- Trip to India- more greetings- March 14, 2008
~~OM~~ >Double Click the Video to Play<
Shree Maa's greeting from India – March 13, 2008
~~OM~~ >Double Click the Video to Play<
Shree Maa's Greeting from India- March 12, 2008
~~OM~~ >Double Click the Video to Play<
Rudraksha related questions
In the video “Om Namah Shivaya”, I noticed that Maa uses the thumb and index fingers to move the mala. I have heard that index fingers are not to touch the mala. Can Swamiji please comment.
Swamiji says:
That is the method that Shree Maa uses to worship Shiva. But the important thing is not which finger you use, but that you do the japa. So many people waste so much time debating which finger to use, that they do not perform the practices.
Could Rudraksha beads be used for Narasimha mantras, and Ganesha/Lakshmi mantras?
Swamiji says:
Yes. More traditional would be a tulasi mala, but followers of Shiva and Shakti can definitely use rudraksha.
Is it forbidden to eat meat when using Rudraksha?
Swamiji says:
Is the question, “At the same time,” or “While wearing?”
Generally, there are vegetarians and non-vegetarians. There is nothing “Forbidden.” It is just a question of the practices one observes.
Vaishnavas forbid. Shaivites and Shaktis request us to use our discrimination.
Inspiring Quotes Archive 1
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- “Always contemplate the great words of wisdom, and take refuge in the great words of wisdom, and stay far away from the bondages of the soul, and search for the real meanings of the texts of wisdom. I am one with God, always maintain this attitude.” – Shankar Acharya 700 A.D.
– from Siva Puja and Advanced Yajna
- “Make renunciation of the many thoughts of the mind, and leave the egotism of your body, and don’t debate idle philosophies with intellectuals.” – Shankar Acharya 700 A.D.
– from Siva Puja and Advanced Yajna
- Remain the same while undergoing all the pairs of opposites like hot and cold, pleasure and pain, and don’t give expression to worthless speech. – Shankar Acharya 700 A.D.
– from Siva Puja and Advanced Yajna
- Carry yourself as a great renunciate. Don’t look to get grace from other men, and don’t seek to obtain something from men. – Shankar Acharya 700 A.D.
– from Siva Puja and Advanced Yajna
- Sit down in a quiet, conducive and comfortable environment, and contemplate the Supreme Divinity. Look into yourself with the fullness of consciousness, and see the bondage of the gross world to the soul, and reduce your necessity for action in the world. – Shankar Acharya 700 A.D.
– from Siva Puja and Advanced Yajna
- Don’t allow your thoughts to be bound by karma, with the strength of wisdom free your mind from bondage. – Shankar Acharya 700 A.D.
– from Siva Puja and Advanced Yajna
- Experience the fruits of your prarabda karma, the actions performed in the past, the fruits of which are being experienced in the present, and after the past karma is complete, with an attitude of one mind, go to the realms of Union with the Highest Divinity and remain there. – Shankar Acharya 700 A.D.
– from Siva Puja and Advanced Yajna
- Live your life with minimal amounts of attachments in order to pay out all outstanding debts and obligations. Avoid creating too much prarabdha karma. (Actions commenced in the past which are coming to fruition now and in the future.)
– from Gems of Wisdom
- Mother (Shree Maa) is an avatar. She was born with the ability to go into the spiritual state of Samadhi, or as she would say “Going beyond.”
– from Shree Maa: Life of a Saint
- When you spend time with Mother, (Shree Maa) you soon see that her whole life is about serving others. She has little concern for own welfare. She is very thin and weighs less than eighty pounds.
– from Shree Maa: Life of a Saint
I told Shree Maa that I knew people that had been meditating two and three hours a day for twenty or thirty years and they were not having clear experiences of samadhi.
She said, “If they do tapas (deliberate action to overcome selfish ego based action) they will get samadhi. The meditation you do is very restful, but it is difficult to go beyond in the West. There is so much to draw you out.”
– from Shree Maa: Life of a Saint
- The greatness of God is manifest through simple acts of kindness.
– from Shree Maa: Life of a Saint
- Some of Shree Maa’s most potent teachings are the things she doesn’t say! I’ve never heard her complain about her situation, her health, or things she doesn’t have.
– from Shree Maa: Life of a Saint
- Swamiji: The cement for this building had water as an essential ingredient, but you can’t see the water. The walls couldn’t stand up without the addition of the water. Just so, your divinity, though it can’t be seen, is an essential part of you. This was a beautiful expression of Maa’s admonition not to look far from ourselves to find God!
– from Shree Maa: Life of a Saint
- When we make ourselves into disciples and start effectively applying changes in our lives, we find greater organization, greater efficiency, greater energy.
– from Gems of Wisdom
- Ramakrishna: So I say that God is sometimes with form and sometimes without form. Those who continually contemplate the Supreme Divinity are able to know the true intrinsic nature of that Divinity. Such a person knows that the Divine expresses itself through various forms and attitudes.
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
- There is a centrifugal force and a centripetal force. The centripetal force is moving us towards cohesion, unity, light, wisdom, peace, the cessation of separation. The centrifugal force can be called the asuras, the forces of individuality, the forces which say, “Ive got to be me!”
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- Kama means desire. Lobha means greed. Krodha means anger. Moha means ignorance, moda means attachment and matsara means jealousy. These six limitations are the great pasha or bondage of the ego.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- When you maintain awareness of your true being, your true existence, your illumination is a beautiful contribution, and you will attain the wisdom and bliss of Siva.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- One of Maa’s and Swamiji’s teachings is to honor all spiritual traditions and to learn what we can from all. God cares for the effort to get to the mountain top more than the route. – Shree Maa
– from Shree Maa: Life of a Saint
- Ramakrishna: The camel loves to eat thorny vegetation. As he eats, the thorns cut his mouth, but still he goes on eating. Worldly people suffer so much pain, but they go back to the same pleasures that brought the pain in the first place. In this way, after each painful event the world of attachment and desire continues.
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
- For man to become pure women must practice purity, then they can transform the world through their purity.
– from Gems of Wisdom
- When you see that everything is in flux, you will see that “I” am not. Consciousness does not change, because it is always the same. The objects of awareness change.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- The conflict between wisdom and ignorance makes a great confusion.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- All existence is manifest in duality. These forces manifest with jnana, which is wisdom, the force which brings us towards unity, or ajnana, the ignorance which brings a greater separation.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- Activities which are conducive to unity are the manifestation of jnana, (wisdom) and activities which bring greater division, a greater sense of ego being separate from the total, are manifestations of ajnana (ignorance).
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- These two forces (wisdom and ignorance) are in constant opposition in all aspects of manifested existence, in all things from Brahma to a blade of grass.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- All through our lives we are required to resolve this conflict between wisdom and ignorance. This is the only way we can be free from confusion.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- Selfishness is the biggest obstacle to self realization because when selfishness comes, we have forgetfulness and limited freedom. The best way to overcome selfishness is with sincerity.
– from Gems of Wisdom
- Ramakrishna: Desires and attachments bind people’s lives, and because of this their independence flees. In order to fulfill desires, resources are necessary. For that reason we become servants to others, and our freedom is lost.
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
- Ramakrishna: This egotism, this sense of “I” that exists in all beings, has been bound by the deluding power of maya. This ego is continually inviting maya. Maya covers and deludes the ego of every individual.
– from from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
- Ramakrishna: Because of the deluding power of Maya, our “I” is like a small cloud which obstructs the sun. When the cloud of egotism is removed, you can see the light of God.
– from from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
- Ramakrishna: If even once you can fully leave your identification with “I and mine” at the feet of the Guru, then you will have the vision of God.
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
- According to Kashyapa, we are seeking the highest victory in order to destroy the pain of desire. Victory destroys pain. The highest victory destroys the greatest pain, the feeling that we are separate. The greatest victory is victory over the ego, that which defines individuality.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- Wherever there is desire, there is pain. The greatest pain is the feeling of separation. The greatest desire is to realize we are one with God.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- Love is an energy that takes us to God.
– from Gems of Wisdom
- Realization comes about through intuitive awareness, not through egotistical action. If you want to earn that grace, then refine and purify your awareness through selfless service.
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
- God is always working through us, and we have to be prepared. When the time for action comes we will not think, “I am helping this person” or “I am doing a good deed,” but what happens will just be the natural order of things.
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
- When we live in truth and purity every second, every moment is a miracle. You are living with God. You are God! Isn’t it beautiful? – Shree Maa
– from Before Becoming This
- We came to this world to do God’s work. We came to this world to do our real duty. G-O-D: Go On Duty.
– from Before Becoming This
- In this culture you feel you have to do everything yourself and you have to be involved in the materialistic world. In India we are taught that spirituality comes first, then we do our work in the world. But we do it for God. – Shree Maa
– from Before Becoming This
- If you want God, you have to use willpower to reach him. Also faith is important. You need faith.
– from Before Becoming This
- Dharma is extremely subtle. If any egotism remains you can miss divine grace.
– from Gems of Wisdom
- The idea that you don’t have to do anything to move toward enlightenment may apply to the Satya Yuga, but in this age of activity we have to act. When we act, there are two possibilities: either we act for ourselves or we act for God.
– from Before Becoming This
- When we let go of the hope that we will attain enlightenment, then we can become enlightened.
– from Before Becoming This
- So long as we are striving for that conception, (enlightenment) we are putting an obstacle in our own path.
– from Before Becoming This
- Swamiji – There is really no end to loving. I remember when Jonathan Livingston Seagull rose to heaven and said, “This isn’t the end of it all. This is just the beginning!” There is just more and more love.
– from Before Becoming This
- The greatest danger is living without God. The greatest danger is taking whatever knowledge we attain and making it an appendage to the ego and walking around proclaiming our own greatness. In the Sanatana Dharma, the eternal ideal of perfection, we teach how to live with God in every moment.
– from Before Becoming This
When we are doubting, we often aren’t aware we are doubting. The doubting thoughts seem very reasonable to us. What do you do when you are in a state of doubt?
“Where there is doubt, have faith.” Those are the words of St. Francis
– from Before Becoming This
- Renounce the burdens of life and enjoy the privilege of demonstrating your love for God.
– from Gems of Wisdom
- Kundalini is always moving otherwise we would be a corpse. The image of the sleeping serpent at the base of the spine is only poetry.
– from Gems of Wisdom
- The more we doubt, the more it’s impossible to perform effectively and take control of our lives. We become servants of the ego.
– from Before Becoming This
- When we find the process is our sadhana, and we enjoy the process, then it doesn’t matter if we get to the goal or not. The goal is merely the direction.
– from Before Becoming This
- When you find that you can’t imagine anything more wonderful, that’s where you begin to define enlightenment.
– from Before Becoming This
- Grace comes about by what you do.
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
- It (love) starts with one pure soul, like Shree Maa, who without selfish desires, who ignites other souls ablaze with the same inspiration, shakti, and the sincere longing to serve this creation with pure devotion.
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
- Respect means to pay attention. The more we love the more we pay attention.
– from Gems of Wisdom
- If we act with attachment in duality, then we can only produce egotistical or attached behavior. If we can surrender that action, free from attachment, we can aspire to live in accordance with the laws of universal dharma.
– from Gems of Wisdom
- “Look for the teaching behind the illness”, says the sage.
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
- That man/woman who in this world turns his/her thoughts to Brahman and adheres faithfully to the truth is above all a man/woman of good deeds. Such a one knows the Supreme, and is blest in all the worlds.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- Whoever drinks the water from the gurus feet removes the root of ignorance and purifies the karma (activities) from birth, obtains perfection, wisdom, and renunciation.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- The Supreme Divinity resides in the mouth of the Guru, which is obtained as Prasad. Always perform meditation upon the Guru just as a loving woman dreams of her family.
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
- Ramakrishna: The devotion that sadhus derive from their sadhana is not the same as the devotion of worldly people. Worldly devotion always calculates, “I have to do this much japa. I have to sit for so many hours in meditation. I have to do that much worship.” They keep an account of how much they do.
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
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Take blessings from all the Gods and Goddesses!
Photo of Cosmic altar
(taken at the Devi Mandir on November 2007)
Offerings for Navaratri
I would like to know what we can do at home for Navaratri, especially if there are offerings we can make to Shree Maa.
Swamiji says:
The following link gives the special offerings to the Goddess – . You can offer all that you do to Shree Maa. Especially the food that you cook with mantra, offer with mantra. The other functions you perform can be accompanied by mantra. Picture her image in your mind, and conceive that you are doing for her.
Does the link mean that we make 3 offerings – one for the month, one of the lunar day and one for the day of the week ?
Swamiji says:
Yes, this does mean 3 separate offerings.
Santoshi Maa Vrat and Her Mahima
I’m about halfway through performing the 16-week Santoshi Mata fast,and now am starting to get a little worried about how I will be able to get the udyapan performed to conclude the fast. I am supposed to feed eight boys with kheer and gram curry and be sure that none of them eats any sour food for the entire day.
I don’t personally have any boys to invite/feed, and have no one among my family or friends who would understand or partake of this kind of thing. Does Swamiji have any suggestion on how to perform this udyapan? Is it possible to have this done at a temple in the US or India, or is there an alternative ceremony that I could do that doesn’t involve feeding Brahmin boys (since I don’t know any)?
Swamiji says:
Yes, you can perform this udyapan at a local temple. Call the priest and ask how he or she can help you organize the puja and what would be appropriate in their tradition.
If you choose, we could help organize the puja here.
I have a question about Santoshi Maa. Im confused as to whether she is a Devi conceived by the popular bollywood movie of the same title, or if there are historical references to Santoshi Maa before the movie. From what I had read, I had understood that the former was the correct assertion.
Swamiji says:
Santoshi Maa was a Goddess long before there were movies. The movie is a depiction of some of the main stories of her katha.
I was watching a program on Santoshi Maa and it was mentioned if one kept a fast for 8 continuous Saturdays, Santoshi Maa has never failed to give her devotees the desires of her heart. Could you please give me more information.
Swamiji says:
That is written in Her Katha, the story of Santoshi Maa. However, I don’t think that it would be enforceable in a court of law. The devotee requires the right motivation, the right concentration, the right planning and execution. But it is written.
Guidelines for Observing Navaratri
When is Navaratri celebrated ? Could you please let me know if there are six Navaratris and are they Varsha, Sharad, Shishir, Hemant, Vasant, Grishma?
Swamiji says:
Navaratri can be celebrated at any time. Most often it is observed from Pratipad to Navami or from Shashti to Purnima or Amavashya. There are four Navaratris which are special: Magh, Chaitra, Ashadh, and Ashvin. These correspond to winter, spring, summer, and fall.
Can you please suggest any guidelines for people wishing to observe the Navaratri fast in the same way that you do. (24 hours X 9 days. No water, no food)
Swamiji says:
Start off small and be content with small steps. Observe 24 hours with only water, then drink. Actually you will probably want salt more than water. Then try three days. And eat only fruits and water one time a day for the remainder of the nine days. Slowly you will extend it.
It is my understanding that no grains, or salty food is to be eaten during Navaratri. It is a symbolic giving up for the goddess. Are fruit and vegetables ok? To fast completely is for a greater tapas, and austerity. Is this correct?
Swamiji says:
The fasting gives forth a number of benefits. We suggest that everyone observe the vow according to their own capacity: the needs of the body, the activities in which the body must engage during the vow, etc. Some will give up grains and pulses, some will only take fruit and dairy, some will only take water: each according to his or her own capacity.
How do we count Navratri? Sundown to Sundown? Sunrise to Sunrise? Or Sunrise to Sundown?
Swamiji says:
We use a Panchanga, an almanac timed according to the phases of the moon.
Does one fast for 9 days during Navraatri without food, only water?
Swamiji says:
Some will fast on only water.
I would like to know is it possible to do homa of 108 names of Durga Ma from the Chandi Path for Navaratri?
Swamiji says:
Navaratri at the Mandir
How do you observe Navaratri at the Mandir?
Swamiji says:
Mahalaya is the new moon before the Navaratri begins. We will perform the Cosmic Puja, complete Shraddha and Tarpana, and complete Chandi. The day after Mahalaya is the first day of Navaratri. Every day we will perform the Cosmic Puja, and complete Chandi. We will break the fast on the 8th night (ashtami).
What is the system that You and Shree Maa follow for prayers during Navratri?
Swamiji says:
We recite the entire Cosmic Puja and Chandi Path every day.
When during Navaratri do we worship Durga, when Lakshmi, and when Saraswati? What prayers are done during this period? Can Lalita Stotram also be recited?
Swamiji says:
We perform the entire Cosmic Puja every day. That includes Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, and Mahasarasvati.
Lalita can also be recited, but Chandi Path is not to be neglected.
Topics covered in this Question and Answer session with Swamiji:
- Definition of homa
- Auspicious days for homa
- Homa viddhi
- Fire pits
- Fire sacrifice out open or in shade
- Homa in the day or the night
- Homa purnahuti
- Wood and masala for homa
- Using modern appliances for homa
- Blowing into fire
- Fire hazards
Guidance for Leading a Spiritual Life
Topics covered in this Question and Answer session with Swamiji:
- Attributes of spiritual seekers
- Goals and surrender
- Spiritual goal
- Dealing with our faults
- How to speak
- Surrender
- Sincerity
- Charity
- Efficiency in karma
- How not to be exploited
- How to respond when people get physical
- Desire to remain aloof
- How to make friends with God
- When the world comes knocking
- Surrender and correct attitude
- Making more time for God
- Unable to say “No”
- Negative emotions
- Challenges of family
- Fear of death
- Stress and confusion
- Detachment in the middle of suffering
- Choosing an Ishta Devata
- Combining relationship and spiritual life
- Does God love me?
- When our friends fall
- Understanding death
- Stillness
- Serving the world
- Destiny
- Silence
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