Day Ruled By
Sunday Sun, Surya
Monday Moon, Chandra
Tuesday Mars, Mangala
Wednesday Mercury, Buddha
Thursday Jupiter, Brihaspati, Guru
Friday Venus, Shukra
Saturday Saturn, Shani
Temple of Divine Mother
Day Ruled By
Sunday Sun, Surya
Monday Moon, Chandra
Tuesday Mars, Mangala
Wednesday Mercury, Buddha
Thursday Jupiter, Brihaspati, Guru
Friday Venus, Shukra
Saturday Saturn, Shani
The Sadhana Panchakam is a Sanskrit stotram containing five verses in praise of spiritual discipline (sadhana), authored by Sri Shankaracharya. The Panchakam is located at the beginning of the Advanced Shiva Puja book.
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March 4 – March 10
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
– from Gems of Wisdom
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
– from Before Becoming This
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
– from Gems of Wisdom
Devotee: You mean we can do the work of the world and also contemplate God?
Ramakrishna: Yes, you will do them both. You have to perform the work of the world, but from time to time go into solitude and pray that you can perform those activities without personal desire. Then you will say, “Hey, God, reduce my worldly desires because when I see that there is so much work in front of me, I forget you. I think that I am acting selflessly, but I actually have lots of desires.” If you are pursuing name, gain, and fame, you cannot be free from desire.
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
March 11 – March 17
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
– from Gems of Wisdom
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
– from Before Becoming This
March 18 – March 24
– from Pronunciation and the Chandi Samputs
– from Gems of Wisdom
– from Before Becoming This
– from Before Becoming This
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
– from Before Becoming This
How can someone who reads this book or sees you once a year at one of your programs have a relationship with you?
Shree Maa gave me a piercing look and said, “If they call for me sincerely in their heart, I will know.” Then she paused for a second and said, “I am the mother of the universe. I am with everyone.”
– from Before Becoming This
March 25 – March 31
– from Sahib Sadhu: The White Sadhu
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
– from Gems of Wisdom
– Before Becoming This
Over eight hundred years ago there was a great Tibetan Monk named Milarepa. He realized the ultimate goal of existence after performing severe spiritual practices.
Milarepa writes: In horror of death, I took to the mountains – again and again I meditated on the uncertainty of the hour of death, capturing the fortress of the deathless unending nature of mind. Now all fear of death is over and done.
In the same light as Milarepa, Swamiji has taken this quote and interpreted it according to his ideal of perfection. For me, this is just one more example of the greatness of Swamiji’s attainment.
Swamiji writes: In honor of life, I took to the mountains—again and again I meditated upon the bliss of being and humankind’s inherent ability to perceive it. Then I captured that imperishable essence, and now all fear has vanished. – Swamiji
– from Sahib Sadhu: The White Sadhu
– from Gems of Wisdom
April 1 – April 7
– from Gems of Wisdom
– from Pronunciation and the Chandi Samputs
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
– from Before Becoming This
– from Sahib Sadhu: The White Sadhu
April 8 – April 14
– from Gems of Wisdom
– from Before Becoming This
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
– from Gems of Wisdom
– from Gems of Wisdom
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
April 15 – April 21
– from Gems of Wisdom
– from Siva Puja and Advanced Yajna
– from Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
– from Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
– from Pronunciation and the Chandi Samputs
Why do you consider Human birth the highest birth?
Answer: Humanity has the capacity to reason. Humans have the capacity to dedicate their minds to the contemplation of whatever their desired objective is. In so doing, they can perform sadhana and realize their total potential.
– from Before Becoming This
April 22 – April 28
– from Pronunciation and the Chandi Samputs
– from Gems of Wisdom
Swamiji describing Shree Maa:
Shree Maa does not have selfish bone in her body. She walks on the grass in such a way it seems the grass bows when it is stepped on. She has so much humility you might not notice her if she were sitting in a crowd. She carries herself with such poise and such grace that she makes herself diminutive. I think her attitudes, her service, her love, her guidance, her wisdom, her joy, her light, her music, her cooking are all directed towards making this universe a better place. Every activity she performs on Earth is directed towards lifting someone else up. She is constantly thinking of others and never thinking of herself.
– from Before Becoming This
– from Before Becoming This
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
– from Shree Maa: The Life of a Saint
April 29 – May 5
– from Gems of Wisdom
– from Siva Puja and Advanced Yajna
– from Ramakrishna The Nectar of Eternal Bliss
– from The Guru and the Goddess
– from Shree Maa The Life of a Saint
– from Pronunciation and the Chandi Samputs
Why do you consider Human birth the highest birth?
Humanity has the capacity to reason. Humans have the capacity to dedicate their minds to the contemplation of whatever their desired objective is. In so doing, they can perform sadhana and realize their total potential.
– from Before Becoming This
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Mrikand Muni, Markandeya’s father performed tremendous austerities to get a son from Shiva. After some time Lord Shiva appeared to him and asked him what boon he wanted. Mrikand Muni told Shiva that he wanted a son.…read more
Guru: The syllable Gu means darkness, Ru means light. The Supreme Divinity which destroys ignorance is verily the Guru, without a doubt.
The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is Lord Mahesvara. The Guru is actually the Supreme Divinity, and all other expressions are links in the chain which bring us close to that realization.…read more
“The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is Lord Shiva, Maheswara” has many interpretations and many levels of meaning.
It means that my Guru is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Your Guru is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. …read more
~~OM~~ June 12 – June 18 Become so firm in your faith that you will never swerve from your ideal. – from Gems of Wisdom Ramakrishna: You may discriminate a […]
Topics covered in this Question and Answer session with Swamiji:
~~OM~~ Patal Bhuvaneshwar looks over steep green valleys to the Himalayan foothills, beyond which lies the glorious view of the snow-capped mountains from Kailash to Yamunotri. Between Gangolihat and Berinag […]
Vegetarian food is definitely pure. Whose goal is directed only towards Dharma, they will do well with vegetarian food. And those who are working for advancement in this world, it is true that meat can be of benefit to them.…read more
This is the dialogue that took place amongst the great Rishis of India, when they were invited to a conference at Rama’s court in Ayodhya for the occassion of blessing the pregnancy of Sita. …read more
Topics covered in this Question and Answer session with Swamiji:
Topics covered in this Question and Answer session with Swamiji:
Each of us is born with three debts of karma. We owe a debt to the Gods and Goddesses, which we discharge by making this world a better place because […]