This has been a very eventful week for the sankalpa. The highlight was a wonderful note from Shree Maa blessing the sadhaks.
Shree Maa said (in an email)
Beloved Children,
I am thrilled with your sankalpa.
Earth Mother needs you. Keep going with Her. Earth Mother and you guys are not separate. All of you will get lots of blessings.
Alright! Arise! We are marching ahead with Earth Mother’s Flag!
I love you all.
Shree Maa
A lot of us, charged with the power of Maa’s words gave an extra push to do more this week. Our group’s grand total crossed 170,000 repetitions.
Some of the devotees organized a satsang in their home town, and began their practice with the group. Here is what the devotee had to say:
Many that we emailed expressed interest in joining the 2007 peace mantra sankalpa. Around ten joined us tonight for satsang. It was FUN! We discussed the Chandi Path, the mantra and mantra practice based on teachings and sharings from Swamiji, others in the on line group and our experiences. We did the sankalpa prayer, started the practice, sang araati and kirtan. The bhav was high and participants seemed inspired.
Hearing these experiences motivated our group and participants even more. Here are the individual totals as of this week (21 Jan 2007).
This is the total for those that preferred to do their sadhana at the fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Michael | 3132 |
Janitri | 1080 |
Total | 4,212 |
and below are the counts for those of us that do the sadhana without a fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Babu | 1296 |
Chris | 2808 |
Debi | 5076 |
Donna | 1790 |
Durga | 756 |
Egyirba | 2160 |
Eric | 7452 |
Gauri | 3132 |
Henny | 2700 |
Janitri | 540 |
Jayadeva | 4428 |
Julia | 1620 |
Kalachandra | 4536 |
Kaliananda | 3888 |
Kamalaji | 2916 |
Kanda | 4320 |
Karen | 4800 |
Marsha | 324 |
Mausumi | 2592 |
Michele | 700 |
Morningsong | 5400 |
Muktimaa | 3564 |
Nirmalananda | 700 |
Nanda | 3360 |
Papia | 648 |
Parvati | 1080 |
Patty | 4584 |
Prasana | 3540 |
Prathibha | 3665 |
Raghu | 3564 |
Rick Veda | 13176 |
Robin | 1088 |
Rolf | 2700 |
Rukmani | 756 |
Sadhu Maa | 1620 |
Sadhvi | 4410 |
Sundari | 2484 |
Shankari | 1944 |
Surya | 31050 |
Susan | 1080 |
Usha | 9828 |
Wendy | 2656 |
Visveshwar | 3780 |
Yogini | 6480 |
Total | 170,991 |