This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class we take Shiva, who we have established in our heart, and establish him upon the altar. In this way we imagine God who is within in us as outside us so we can offer him our love and devotion.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 32. Offerings of Worship
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class gives the translation of the mantras used for offering the various articles of worship, which are called the Puja Naivedya. These mantras helped to define the meaning of each article that we offer to Shiva in our worship.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 33. The Armor of Shiva
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class discuss the Shiva Kavacham, the Armor of Shiva. With these mantras we establish ourselves in the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness and in this way we become impervious to everything.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 34. 108 Names of Shiva
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This is the English translation of the one hundred and eight names of Shiva. These names describe Shiva’s various names and quality s such as the Great Seer of All, the Cause of Peace, Who Loves his Devotees and many others.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 35. Eight Verses in Praise of Shiva
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class is the translation of the Shiva Ashtakam, or the Eight Verses in Praise of Shiva. These eight verses give beautiful descriptions of Shiva’s divine form and qualities.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 36. System of Fire Worship
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class gives the meaning of the mantras for establishing the Divine Fire and performing Shiva Yajna, the worship of Shiva while making offerings to the Divine Fire.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 37. Establishment of Excellent Circle of Dieties
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class is the translation of the mantras of the Savra Bhadramandala Devata Homa, the Sacrificial Fire Offerings to the Excellent Circle of all the Gods. This is performed at the ended of the Yajna in order to thank all the Divine Beings who present.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 38. Sam Gacchadhvam
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class is the translation of the mantras of the Sam Gacchadhvam. The Sam Gacchadhvam is a beautiful prayer calling for all to assemble together, speak together and for all minds to be in harmony.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 39. Establishment Within
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This is part of the Shiva Puja Class continues the establishment of the Divine Fire for worship. Before beginning the Fire Ceremony we establishes Shiva within our hearts, so that we can than establish him in the Divine Fire.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 40. Establishment of Life
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This is the translation of the seed mantras used for establishing life in the the Divine Fire. In this way every offering made to the fire becomes an offering to Lord Shiva. With each offering we come closer to the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness.
Advanced Shiva Puja: Episode 41. Establishment on the Fire
This is the podcast of the English explanation of Advanced Shiva Puja. This part of the Shiva Puja Class is the establishment of divinity in the Divine Fire. In the previous classes we established Lord Shiva in ours hearts and now we are taking him out and placing him his divinity within the Divine Fire.