According to Narada Purana, there are six stages of Sannyas. This article describes the six stages: Kutirchak, Bahudak, Hamsa, Paramahamsa,
Turyatita, and Avadhuta.…read more
Swamiji in Rishikesh – May 2010
~~OM~~ The views from beneath the Peeple tree on the bank of Ganga are quite spectacular. Just behind me is a Durga Temple, beside which is a Hanuman Temple. Immediately […]
India Tour November 2009 Part 1
India Tour November 2009: Part 2
Himalayas Tour, August 2009
~~OM~~ I recently returned from a short visit to the Himalayas. Joined by three dear friends, Sanjay, Sushil, and Swami Ramkripaluji, we visited several places in the Kumoan before we […]
India Tour, November 2008, Pictures
Love sees all as one Self
When love is tainted by selfishness, it cannot illumine at all. Self is lovelessness; Love is selflessness. Love gives and forgives. Self gets and forgets. Love can never entertain the idea of revenge, for it sees all others as Oneself. When the tongue is hurt by the teeth, do you seek vengeance against the teeth? No, they both belong to you and are integral parts of your body. So too, when some other person insults you or inflicts pain, allow wisdom to have mastery over you. Discover the truth and do not rush to conclusions, always keeping love as your guide. This is a difficult task, but not beyond your capacity. Embark on this task with ardor and faith, you will attain sweet victory.
Namaskar Tya Shree Maa Ni Swami Ranaa.
A devotee shares his love and devotion to Shree Maa and Swamiji in this beautiful poem in Marathi.
Chotich Murti Piwali Vastra Dhaari |
Sooti Kesh Jiche Janu Keshi Ari ||
Bhaali Charche Kumkum Jasaa Tri-nayanaa |
Namaksar Tya Shree Maa Ni Swami Ranaa ||1||
Meaning: You are petite and you wear Yellow clothes. Your hair is open as is of Kesi Ari (Krishna). You have Bindi on your forehead as if that’s your third eye. We Bow to Shree Maa and Swamiji.
Aho Aashcharya Haa Kasaa Paschaatya-Deshi |
Niwaasi Jari Mani Maaya-Deshi |
Pragaadhya Pandit Sadhu Haa Sujaanaa |
Namaksar Tya Shree Maa Ni Swami Ranaa ||2||
Meaning: Isn’t it a great surprise that a Westerner has so much love for Indian culture and India ? He is full of wisdom, intellect, Seer and knows everything. We Bow to Shree Maa and Swamiji.
Dhyaani Rudrastadhyayi Va Aahe Jithe Chandi |
Ghor Sansaar Saagar Bhaye Tayaa Saandi ||
Mahaa Durga Chaa Jo Sadaa Kari Dhyaanaa |
Namaksar Tya Shree Maa Ni Swami Ranaa ||3||
Meaning: Swamiji meditates on Rudrastadhyayi and Chandi. He relieves our fear of this world. He continuously meditates on Maha Durga. We Bow to Shree Maa and Swamiji.
Maa Sharada chi Zhaali Punaraavrutti |
Bhagwe Vastra Dhaarane Aale Yeshu Kristi ||
Aarti Kare Aalawe Sadaa Ramkrishna |
Namaksar Tya Shree Maa Ni Swami Ranaa ||4||
Meaning: Shree Maa is Sharada Maa reborn. Swamiji is Jesus Christ in Orange Clothes. They always do Aarti to Ramkrishna. We Bow to Shree Maa and Swamiji.
Vasey Devi Mandiri Oonch Pahaadi |
Durgechaa Simha Jeth Kalivaree Dahaadi ||
Saraswatich Saakshaat Gheyee Kari Veena|
Namaksar Tya Shree Maa Ni Swami Ranaa ||5||
Meaning: Shree Maa lives in Devi Mandir on the top of the mountain. In Devi Mandir there is Durga’s Lion who drives away Kali by his load roar. Shree Maa is Saraswati with Veena in her hand. We Bow to Shree Maa and Swamiji.
Hoto Saatat-tyaane Chandi cha Paatha |
Tute Shrawanaane Janma-Maranaanchi Gaatha |
Sahaj Samaje Jiye Kaay Aahe Manaa |
Namaksar Tya Shree Maa Ni Swami Ranaa ||6||
Meaning: In Devi Mandir there is continuous recitation of Chandi. You are liberated from life-birth cycle by listening to Chandi. Shree Maa knows what’s going on in our mind. We Bow to Shree Maa and Swamiji.
Aahe Peedeet Mahaa Dukhi Krodhi |
Neech Swaarathi Kukarmi Alp-buddhi ||
Kaahi Karaa Maazyaa Manaa Aavarenaa |
Namaksar Tya Shree Maa Ni Swami Ranaa ||7||
Meaning: Upendra is suffering, sad and angry. He is mean, selfish, has bad Karma and not intelligent. He can’t control his mind after trying out several options. We Bow to Shree Maa and Swamiji.
Tari Tumha Aalaavito Manda-mati Upendra |
Karaave Anugraha Peek Yaa Hridayi Aardra ||
Aata Tumhaavina Aamhaa Raahavenaa |
Namaksar Tya Shree Maa Ni Swami Ranaa ||8||
Meaning: Upendra still urges and prays to Shree Maa and Swamiji. His heart has become wet because of praying to them. Now his heart is ready for Shree Maa and Swamiji to grow crops of their grace in his heart. Now Upendra can’t live without them. We Bow to Shree Maa and Swamiji.
India Blog Nov 2008 (from 24th Nov to End)
11/24 We woke up very early Monday morning and took the train from Delhi to Haridwar. Swami Ram Kripaluji met us at the train station and whisked us off to […]
Duties of a Human Being
Shree Maa wishes to share with you, from the depth of Her wisdom, the duties of a human being: Truth Compassion Purifying austerities Purity Renunciation of Desires Appropriate contemplations Control […]
Vow of Peace from Shree Maa
This is a vow of peace and a beautiful prayer from our Beloved Mother, Shree Maa:
Oh Divine Mother! Make us all the ideal of Perfection.
Oh Divine Mother! We pray to you to make us one family on earth and for unity on earth so that we can be instruments of your peace.…read more
India Blog Nov 2008 (from 15th Nov to 22nd Nov)
11/15 Most of us left Benares and headed to Kolkata after receiving so many blessings. For many, the trip to Benares had fulfilled the desires of a lifetime, whether it […]
India Tour: November 2008
- Invitation to Banaras
- India Travel Planner
- Suggested Packing List for India Tour
- Invitation to India Tour
- India Tour Blog – Part 1
- India Tour Blog – Part 2
- India Tour Blog – Part 3
- Highlights of India Tour
- India Tour Pictures
- India Tour Press Coverage
India Tour, Press Coverage: 2
Foreign Devotees Sing a Beautiful Recitation of the Sundar Kanda
Coming from California, USA, Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati along with disciples from many countries sang a beautiful recitation of the Sundar Kanda at the Sankat Mochan Mandir on Monday evening. Along with about 40 disciples from many countries and about two dozen Indian disciples from Banaras, they arrived at the Sankat Mochan Mandir at 4:30 in the evening.
After performing worship, they all assembled in one area of the temple. Then as one voice, they all sang the Sundar Kanda with great rhythm and speed. Seeing so many foreigners reciting with so much devotion, the local people who came to the temple for evening prayers were greatly surprised.
Playing harmonium was Trilochan, on tablas was Rajan, on dholak Vinay Bhushan, playing the cymbals was the Respected Ramya, and on the bells was Srini Baba. After completing the recitation, they joined the arati in the Ram Mandir and in the Sankat Mochan Hanuman Mandir. The foreign devotees distributed prasad with their own hands. Coming from many various countries were Dharmesh, Mahananda, Manohar, Srimati Rukmani, Susri Parvati, Kamala, Nanda and others joined devotees Amitabh and Jolly Agrawal to perform the recitation.
India Tour, Press Coverage: 1
The Maha Yajna of Shree Maa and of Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Coming from California, USA, Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati performed a Maha Yajna of the Shiva Sahasranam for Universal peace and the welfare of all mankind at the Lalita Ghat on the bank of the Ganga. Also present in this great religious undertaking many people from various countries were reciting the mantras with beautiful tones and correct pronunciation.
Along with both Indian and foreign devotees, Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati arrived at the ghat on the bank of the river at 5:00 AM. After cleaning the area of the yajna, they erected a howan kunda. After inviting and worshipping the Gods, Swami Satyananda Saraswatiji enkindled the homa fire. After that about forty devotees who came from California, were joined by devotees from Australia, Switzerland, England, Indonesia, and many other countries, and at least two dozen Indian disciples, all offered oblations into the fire while reciting the Thousand Names of Shiva.
Desiring the welfare of all mankind, Shree Maa offered one thousand eight bilva leaves into the fire. Witnessing the clear intonation and proper pronunciation of the the Sanskrit mantras by foreigners, a large crowd of Banaras citizens gathered. In this same way foreign tourists gathered and many people were able to receive the blessings of Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
Local resident Amitabh Agrawal said that on 10 November at 4:30 PM Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati will be leading the recitation of the Sundara Kanda at the Sankat Mochan Mandir, and at 6:00 AM on 12 November, they will be leading the Chandi Path Homa in the Annapurna Mandir.
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