Everything you always wanted to know about the Shiva Yajna and how to draw the Yantra is contained in these two informative videos with attached photo gallery.
Learn from the Guru as he explains the process step by step! Watch now!…read more
Temple of Divine Mother
Everything you always wanted to know about the Shiva Yajna and how to draw the Yantra is contained in these two informative videos with attached photo gallery.
Learn from the Guru as he explains the process step by step! Watch now!…read more
Listen in to this captivating video as Swamiji explains how increasing our sadhana will decrease our worldly attachments! He states that the more we give, the more we get back, […]
View this beautiful collection of Ramakrishna photographs put to Shree Maa’s enchanting song “Yuga Avatar”.
We hope you enjoy this devotional offering created in service of the beloved Guru.
Jai Sri Ramakrishna! Jai Gurudeva!…read more
The beautiful Lalita Trishati Stotram reveals detailed explanations about Sri Vidya, the Sri Chakra Yantra, and the 300 Names of the Divine Mother. Goddess Lalita is Sri Vidya, which is […]
Please note: This video was recorded in the year 2013. As such, the dates and times that Swamiji quotes will not be applicable in later years. Navaratri is a time […]
In Chapter 8 of the Chandi Path, Kali, the Remover of Darkness, manifests to help destroy the demon Raktabija. “Rakta” means passion, desire, red, blood. “Bija” means seed, and Swamiji […]
Shree Maa regularly gives Sankalpas (spiritual resolves) to Her children and She has just blessed us to perform a new Sankalpa! Shree Maa chooses these mantras in order to create […]
In this extraordinary video, Swami Satyanada Saraswati conveys the meaning of the Satya Nārāyaṇa Vrat Puja, which will be performed by devotees around the world on the Full Moon day, […]
Trailinga Swami was a great embodiment of tapasya. His main teaching was the example of his life – the example of what it is to perform tapasya. Tapasya is any spiritual […]
The following stories represent a treasure chest of spiritual wisdom and inspiration from this great Saint that will be valuable to spiritual seekers from all paths and walks of life.
These stories were told by Shree Maa in Bengali and then translated into English by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. We hope you enjoy them.
On January 22nd we will celebrate the Maha Samadhi of Trailinga Swami, a great yogi and an important figure in the Devi Mandir tradition. To honor the birth of such […]
For spiritual aspirants, stormy days and nights are sure to occur, and Mother Nature makes no exceptions for devotees at the Devi Mandir. One of these storms had just enough […]