This is a simple recipe for poha (flat rice) with potatoes. It is a sattvic dish that is very nourishing and soothing to the system – especially when prepared with mantra, love, and devotion.
Temple of Divine Mother
This is a simple recipe for poha (flat rice) with potatoes. It is a sattvic dish that is very nourishing and soothing to the system – especially when prepared with mantra, love, and devotion.
These are special offerings that you can make to Mother Saraswati. Many of the items, such as flat rice, kheer, and milk, are pure white in color, just like Mother Saraswati.
On the fifth day of the bright fortnight of Magh we celebrate our annual Sarasvatī Pūjā. On this day, Swamiji establishes a pot for Mother Sarasvatī and we perform a […]
The fifth day of each bright and dark fortnight considered very auspicious for the worship of Mother Sarasvatī. On these days we can use the Cosmic Puja book and/or the […]
Kheer is one of the most popular prasad items in the Devi Mandir refrigerator! Devotees prepare kheer every week for Santoshi Maa puja, and Shree Maa offers this sweet rice pudding to Lord Shiva every day.
Fried eggplant is one of Sri Ramakrishna – and Shree Maa’s – favorite vegetables. Maa often makes this easy and delectable dish at festival times, such as Kali Puja, Ramakrishna’s birthday, and the Navaratri Annapurna Puja.
Serves 6 Ingredients Panch puran (5-spices) – 1/2 tsp. each of cumin seeds, fennel seeds, black Mustard seeds, nigella (kalonji) and fenugreek seeds. (This mixture can be bought in ready-made […]
At the Devi Mandir, Navaratri (the Nine Nights of Worship of Divine Mother) is celebrated four times a year — in fall, winter, spring and summer. Every Navaratri, devotees dedicate […]
Kitchari is an Indian Ayurvedic dish traditionally prepared with mung beans, rice, vegetables, ghee and spices.
Use this recipe from Shree Maa to prepare a delightful kitchari – good for every meal of the day!
An excellent introduction to Divine Mother Goddess worship and Sanskrit mantras. Durga is She Who Removes All Difficulties, and this puja meditation is designed to guide the mind to a state of freedom, peace, and ease.
The yoga of the Durga Puja opens the door to the mystery and energy of Divine Mother worship.
The perfect place to begin your practice of yogic worship. Lord Shiva is the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness, and his simple five letter mantra makes His puja an excellent starting point for first time Sanskrit chanters.
This iPad App makes a profound spiritual technique easy and enjoyable to learn. This is a great way to spark your spiritual growth.
Includes the Lakshmi Sahasranama Stotram, an enhanced Puja Vidhi, and the Lakshmi Chalisa
This App has the 1000 names of Lakshmi. It presents Her system of worship in the original Sanskrit, the Roman transliteration and the English translation. “Laksh” is the goal and “Lakshmi” is the definition of the goal for which we are striving. She represents all that we value in life. Through the yoga and meditation on Mother Lakshmi, the definition of our path to success is refined and cultivated by her divine traits.
New upgrade includes several new systems of worship and stotrams. The Thousand Names of Vishnu chant comes from the Mahabharata, and describes 1000 qualities and attributes of the Supreme Divinity.
The Satya Narayana Vrat is the vow to speak and act in Truth… a fundamental yoga practice and meditation for spiritual seekers who desire genuine realization.
This is a list of Mantra’s for Lord Shiva, along with English Translation: Shiva Bija Mantra Shiva Avilom Vilom Samput Shiva Gayatri Mantra Shiva Pranam Mantra Shiva Kavacham Shiva Sam […]
Ingredients 2 cups water ¾ cup jaggery 1 teaspoon cardamom seeds, crushed 1/3 cup golden raisins ½ cup ghee 1 cup semolina ¼ cup sliced almonds Directions 1. Heat ghee […]