~~OM~~ And I’d like to tell a story about Ghantakarna. This is a little bit different in illustration, but Ghantakarna loved Vishnu, and he always wanted to worship Vishnu. Vishnu […]
Shankachuda and Tulsi
~~OM~~ Here is a story about the demon king, Shankachuda, and Tulsi. Shankachuda was cursed in his previous life by Radha, to be reborn as an asura. Upon turning of age, […]
Shree Maa on Energy and Consciousness
“If we love God with unconditional love, God teaches us in such a beautiful way. If we take one step towards God, God takes 10 steps towards us. Is it not beautiful? This is a delightful article about God’s unconditional love. …read more
Story of Brahma Calling Yoga Nidra
~~OM~~ And now remember that Brahma was sitting in the lotus in Vishnu’s navel. Vishnu was asleep. And Too much and Too little said, “Hey, that looks like a nice […]
Story of Markandeya Muni
~~OM~~ “As the son of Mrikanda, Markandeya, found imperishable life, may we be reunited with life and blessed with a hundred autumns.” Remember the story of Mrikanda Rishi? He was […]
Story of Gautam Muni and Ahalya Devi
~~OM~~ So remember the story of Ahalya – Indra looked down from heaven and saw, Ahalya, who was the wife of Gautam Muni, who’s the most beautiful of all the […]
Story of the Farmer and the Pundit
There is the story of the farmer who heard the pundit discoursing on Gita in Sanskrit. The farmer was sitting in the back of the temple crying and crying, and the pundit went on and on and on, as pundits do. And at the end of his discourse, the hall was emptied, everyone went home, and the farmer was still sitting there crying and crying and crying.
And the pundit went up to the farmer and said, “Hey farmer, you’re obviously not a Sanskrit scholar, you probably didn’t understand a word that I said, how come you are crying?” And the farmer replied, “Your absolutely right Punditji. I didn’t understand one word that you said, but as you were speaking I saw Krishna standing on the chariot delivering the same discourse to Arjuna, and I couldn’t hold back my tears because the sight was so beautiful.”
Story of How Ravana Kidnapped Sita
~~OM~~ So remember when Ravana wanted to steal away Sita – He had Marich assume the form of a golden deer and walked the deer to the ashram. Sita said, […]
Contents of Devi Gita
~~OM~~ Shaktis leave Shiva and Vishnu and Brahma requests his sons to perform tapasya Daksha’s Enmity with Shiva and the 108 Shakti Pithas Parvati’s boon to the Gods and Himalaya’s […]
Story of Gautam Muni and the Pot
~~OM~~ I’m going to tell you a story about a time where there was a great drought in all of India. Everyone was wanting for water. Except for Gautam Muni. […]
Gauri Mata on the Divine Mother
On one such occasion Gauri Mata said to the devotees, “In Durga Saptashati, the Divine Mother is described as “the most beneficent among the beneficent, the fulfiller of wishes.” The Divine Mother fulfills all the wishes of Her devotees. …read more
Story of Gajendra Moksha
Gajendra, the king of the elephants, was caught by a crocodile. And he fought and fought with this crocodile until he saw that the crocodile was getting stronger and he […]
Shree Maa's Mother's Day Offering to Her Children
Listen to Shree Maa sing I Love You All
Read Shree Maa’s Mother’s Day message here –
Mother’s Day 2007
Satsang on Guru Gita
Guru Gita: Satsang with Shree Maa and Swamiji
In the following profound and elevating conversation, Shree Maa and Swamiji translate and discuss a Bengali commentary on the Guru Gita.
Mother is translating from a book by Nirmalananda, who is a disciple of Swami Pranavanandaji from Bharat Seva Ashram.
Who is the Respected Guru and what kind of behavior does the Guru exemplify? What is the Guru’s intrinsic nature and what is the principle of the Guru?
Who is able to take refuge in the Guru and what is the effect of taking refuge in Guru?
What is seva to the Guru, what is an offering to the Guru, what is the song of the Guru, and what is the discipline of a disciple?
What is the highest fruit of devotion to Guru?
The answers to all these questions are found in the scripture called Guru Gita.
Commentaries on Sri Guru Gita come from the Vishvasaara Tantra. These are expansions of the Guru Gita. Also people speak of Rudrayamal Tantra. All Tantras speak of the highest principle of the Guru.
In both the Vedas and Vedanta, the position of the Guru is held in very high regard. But in the Tantra scriptures, they speak of the Guru’s position as being the very highest. In the path of Tantra, the principle of Guru is the highest principle of all.
Guru is both the Supreme Divinity with form and without form.
The Guru is Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar. The Respected Guru is both the motivation for the highest truth and the attainment and realization of the highest truth. These are illuminated in all of the verses contained in the Guru Gita.
The foremost principle and discussion of the highest importance has been given by Sada Shiva. His first student was Parvati.
Guru Gita informs us by which sadhana, by what means, can someone who wears a body attain success.
Without a doubt, Shiva has illuminated these questions in this scripture. The path of the Guru is the king of all dharmas (king of all ideals of perfection – the Supreme). In order to attain prasad (consecrated offering) from the Guru, your birth, your past, your karma (what kind of activities you perform) are not required subjects. The ignorant, the lazy and those steeped in darkness (tamas) will not proceed in this path. They are not capable of achieving the understanding of the wisdom of the principles. They don’t have wisdom or desire knowledge of liberation.
It is incumbent upon all those who take refuge in the Guru to do so with their body, mind and speech.
Seva (selfless service as an expression of love) to the Guru, Puja, aaradhana is a disciple’s sadhana. Giving pleasure to the Guru is your sadhana, your worship.
Whoever is able to do atma samarpan (surrender of his or her own soul in equilibrium) to the Sri Guru’s Feet – giving up all their attachment – this is samadhi and siddhi (attainment of perfection). This is the path of the Guru.
The Guru is not a human being. The Guru is the Supreme Divinity made manifest. Because of this, we cannot look at our Guru as just a human being. This Guru principle is united with all pure qualities, beautiful attributes, the greatness of all purity. This is the authority that comes through the Guru.
If you can perceive these qualities in your Guru, you will not think of your Guru as a mere human being. The Guru is Bhagavan (Supreme Divinity).
All the qualities and all the attitudes, all the energies and all that is Infinite or eternal, all the wisdom that is inculcated – all these qualities are only reflected in God. That Godliness is reflected in the Guru. So we should not think of the Guru as a human being. We would think of the Guru as the emblem or representative of Supreme Divinity.
Where there is atma samarpan, the disciple becomes a mirror and there is union between Guru and disciple in a great radiant light. When there is a transfer of energy from Guru to disciple and surrender, there is a light that is incomparable to anything you can see with worldly eyes.
Trailinga Swami once locked himself in His room for three days. His disciple was very worried and wanted to see Swamiji. He went to the door and banged and banged and banged. Trailinga Swamiji said ‘Who are you?”
The disciple was full of his own ego self, and replied, “I am so and so”. He felt he was a real disciple, but he was not at that moment. There was no response from within. On the second day, the disciple went again and banged on the door and received the same question. Again he answered, “I am so and so”. Nothing happened. On third day, the disciple thought deeply and cried, “Why is the Guru doing this to me?”
Again he knocked on the door with reverence. Trailinga Swami asked, “Who are you?” The disciple replied, “You.” Trailinga Swamji opened the door.
The Guru-disciple relationship is very subtle. Atma samarpan has become a big market nowadays. The relationship between Guru and Disciple is truth. A truthful relationship means surrender. You will get everything with surrender.
Where is the individual form of God? Ishwara, God, the Supreme Soul, is everywhere, in every place. He is in the gross body, the subtle body, the modifications of the mind and unmanifest as well. How can the individual wearing a body grasp Supreme Divinity, find Him, touch Him with sensory knowledge? With our current perception, this is a very difficult issue.
There is a solution to this issue in Hindu Dharma. Scriptures say that He who understands Supreme Divinity, becomes Supreme Divinity. Who has refined the discipline of sadhana, becomes united with all the tendencies of sadhana, he understands the nature of the Supreme Divinity. That individual becomes a representative of Supreme Divinity.
A great example of that is Swamiji!!! This moment Swamiji does not need sadhana. He can go to the Himalayas and be by Himself. But to show the world, He is doing sadhana.
We are born, we learn how to walk, first we learn from our parents – how to walk, how to eat – step by step, our whole life is sadhana. In childhood we are learning how to be human. Now we are learning how to be with the soul. Without sadhana, we will never know.
The Supreme Divinity, the teacher, and the yogi who has attained divinity are all one.
The Yogi is actually a murti – the perceivable form of Supreme Divinity. All the true qualities of a Yogi are illuminated in reality.
We believe that according to the needs of the age, God Himself comes in an embodied form. That Supreme Divinity which is Infinite beyond conception takes a human form and takes birth in the mortal world.
He is undefeatable and that is the Supreme Divinity manifested amongst all the elements of existence.
When we do surrender our soul in equilibrium (atma samarpana), we receive Diksha. The first chapter of this experience is to receive a mantra in the ear, but that is only the first chapter. Om
Shree Maa blesses us all with Her joy!
Photo of the week – Mar 4 – Mar 10 2007
(Picture taken early 2007 at Devi Mandir, Napa, CA)
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