From Bangalore, Shree Maa and Swamiji, along with our group of devotes, took the train to Coimbatore. Upon reaching Coimbatore, the group traveled to the Niligiri Hills. Along the way […]
General Class Testimonials
“Thank you Shree Maa and Swamiji. I am so happy you are here. These classes are alive!” -Jason “These classes which Shree Maa and Swamiji generously offer to us all […]
Tarpan Viddhi
Each of us is born with three debts of karma. We owe a debt to the Gods and Goddesses, which we discharge by making this world a better place because […]
Tulsi Mantra
Aparajita Stotram
Learn the Aparajita Stotram, the Song of She Who Cannot be Defeated, and purify your life: (Click here for a downloadable PDF: Aparajita Stotram.)
Laying Flat – Inverted Shavasana
The Pose Simply come to a position lying flat on the stomach with the head turned to one side. Effects and Benefits Physical – This pose is placed directly after […]
The Pose From lying on the stomach bring the hands alongside the hips or slightly further back, and plant the palms upon the floor. Press down into the palms and […]
The Pose Step both legs back so that the body stretches out as if entering a push-up position. From there extend the arms and push the hips back and up […]
Shree Maa and Swamiji with Red Towel
Uttanasana (Yoga Asana)
The Pose From a standing posture, make the spine straight. Keep the spine straight and begin folding forward from the hips. Do not allow the spine to curl/bend until you […]
Uttihita Tadasana (Yoga Asana)
Some call Uttiha Tadasana by the name “Hasta Utthanasana.” The naming of asanas often varies according the tradition or sadhu. The Pose From a standing position, reach both arms upward […]
The Pose Standing up right, with the natural “S” shaped curve of the spine, bring the hands together at heart center. The feet may be either together or apart depending […]
Yoga Pose Descripitions
Prakshan Instructions – Standing up right with the natural “S” shaped curve of the spine bring the hands together at the heart center. The feet may either be together or […]
Shree Maa Sings: Episode 28. Mother of the Universe
Shree Maa sings Mother of the Universe, a song she wrote inspired by the Tantroktam Ratri Suktam.