Each of us is born with three debts of karma. We owe a debt to the Gods and Goddesses, which we discharge by making this world a better place because […]
Tulsi Mantra
Aparajita Stotram
Learn the Aparajita Stotram, the Song of She Who Cannot be Defeated, and purify your life: (Click here for a downloadable PDF: Aparajita Stotram.)
Laying Flat – Inverted Shavasana
The Pose Simply come to a position lying flat on the stomach with the head turned to one side. Effects and Benefits Physical – This pose is placed directly after […]
The Pose From lying on the stomach bring the hands alongside the hips or slightly further back, and plant the palms upon the floor. Press down into the palms and […]
The Pose Step both legs back so that the body stretches out as if entering a push-up position. From there extend the arms and push the hips back and up […]
Shree Maa and Swamiji with Red Towel
Uttanasana (Yoga Asana)
The Pose From a standing posture, make the spine straight. Keep the spine straight and begin folding forward from the hips. Do not allow the spine to curl/bend until you […]
Uttihita Tadasana (Yoga Asana)
Some call Uttiha Tadasana by the name “Hasta Utthanasana.” The naming of asanas often varies according the tradition or sadhu. The Pose From a standing position, reach both arms upward […]
The Pose Standing up right, with the natural “S” shaped curve of the spine, bring the hands together at heart center. The feet may be either together or apart depending […]
Yoga Pose Descripitions
Prakshan Instructions – Standing up right with the natural “S” shaped curve of the spine bring the hands together at the heart center. The feet may either be together or […]
Shree Maa Sings: Episode 28. Mother of the Universe
Shree Maa sings Mother of the Universe, a song she wrote inspired by the Tantroktam Ratri Suktam.
Mudras used for Puja
The word “Mudra”, is a Sanskrit term that means bringing the deity and the devotee together. Mudras are gestures that convey certain attitudes. The following mudras, demonstrated by Shree Maa, […]
Travelogue of Vrindavan
While in New Delhi, we took rest and renewed our energy in preparation for our next divine adventure, which was the famous city of Vrindavan (also spelled Vrindaban). Vrindavan is […]