Mother’s Day Message – 2001
My Dear Beloved Children and Members of our Family,
Today I am conveying to you my pure love and blessings. Oh Mankind, today we should be extremely grateful that we have taken birth in a human form. That is why it is necessary for us to observe the highest ideals of human behavior. Then there will be no separation within the family of humanity. Mother Earth will be blessed with welfare and all of Her children will also be blessed.
The foremost ideal of perfection for human beings is
to support the ideals of perfection
to perform all actions without selfishness
to illuminate wisdom with Godliness
to perceive all existence as the representative of God
to absorb your consciousness in the remembrance of God in meditation
to perceive kindness in the performance of all discipline
to protect your own ideals of perfection
to owe strict allegiance to truth
to serve all existence
to demonstrate the renunciation of selfish attachment
These are the highest ideals of humanity. These attitudes bring the greatest welfare to human beings.
May Mankind be Victorious!
Shree Maa