At Devi Mandir, the fire was consecrated for the Sahasra Chandi Yajna on January 24th 2005, and has been burning continuously 24 hours a day since that date. What is the Sahasra Chandi Yajna, the vow to recite the Chandi Path daily for a thousand days? Why would we want to remain in one rhythm of worship without going outside the temple for three years? What could we possibly hope to achieve?
We answer these questions in the video and audio classes below.
Our video shows how the fire was invited and inaugurated, established and energized, and how it is being worshipped. To watch the video, click here:
Sahasra Chandi Yajna
In our audio classes we quote the Chandi itself to describe the tradition of a thousand day yajna. It is the most amazing experience that we can attain in life! The ability to cloister our senses so that we want nothing more than to sing and chant to the Divine Mother Goddess in worship throughout the day and the night.
This is what we propose to do. This discussion tells us from where the tradition has emanated, and what are the possible effects that it can have in our lives.
To hear the classes below you should have the quicktime or real audio players.
Sahasra Chandi Yagna: high res