Last Updated on January 14, 2021 by
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Vishnu Sahasranama & Satyanarayana Vrat, by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
The Thousand Names of Vishnu comes from the Mahabharata, and describes a thousand qualities and attributes of the Supreme Divinity. “Sat” is truth, “Narayana” is the All Pervading Consciousness. The Satya Narayana Vrat is the vow to speak and act in truth, the most important practice for spiritual seekers this day in age.
Product Details
- Paperback: 260 pages
- Publisher: Devi Mandir Publications; First edition (January 1, 2002)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1877795518
- ISBN-13: 978-1877795510
- Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.4 x 0.5 inches
- Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces
Book Reviews of Vishnu Sahasranama & Satyanarayana Vrat
By Yvonne Campbell
Great book! The translations of Vishnu’s names are well done and the story of Satya Narayana is beautiful! Highly recommended to all.
By Anupama Ramachandran
Vishnu Puja book by Swami Satyananda combines three things: puja (the way to worship Lord Vishnu), 1000 names of Lord Vishnu, as well as the Satya Narayana vow to tell the truth. It is a great blessing to be able to do all these on the full moon day and that is a practice I have been following with my family the past few years using this book.
Believe it or not, many beautiful and positive changes have happened in the life of my family after we started doing this vow of worship both materially and spiritually. I know it all the grace of Lord Narayana! Om Namo Narayana! Please consider bringing beauty, love and light into your life. Get the Vishnu Puja book and enjoy the worship every month!
By Manoj Gulati
I love the translation of Satya Narayana Vrat in Swami Satyananda’s Vishnu Puja book, the focus is at the highest level on the vow of truth!!!! It is a great book,i have bought multiple copies for my family and friends!
By Brad Simmons
Great translation of the 1000 names of Vishnu! The transliteration makes it accessible to all. I love the story of the vow of worship to speak and act in truth. Great book for worship of Vishnu. Jai Vishnu!
By Barbara Wilson
I received a copy of the Vishnu Puja along with the other books I had ordered and I while I was skimming the pages I saw the meaning of Vishnu. He who pervades the Universe. Somehow, that got me really interested and I started reading more and doing a little bit of the practices, it is a lot of fun!!!!! Go for it! Thank you!
By Swami Purnananda Giri, Mahant,
Moksha Dham, JageshwarThe Thousand Names of Vishnu and the Satya Narayana Vrat Katha are important works for sharing the love of God through scripture. Swami Satyananda Saraswati has done an excellent presentation, and the applications to our daily lives are extremely relevant today, in keeping with the vision of our ancient Rishis.