Welcome to the latest addition to our sankalpa group – Brendan from Massachusetts. Congratulations to Michael for completing his sankalpa at the fire.
Thanks to our participants Shankari Kali and Henny for sharing their progress on the sankalpa. Here is what Shankari Kali has to say
"I have noticed that since I started the peace sankalpa, I have developed more
discipline. This has affected many areas of my life. I could never stick with
anything. My weight was spiralling out of control, and my health was
deteriorating. By requiring myself to say this daily as many times as I could
muster, I even noticed that I had more energy. I have since developed a daily
exercise program.
I have been saying at least two malas of Om Namah Shivaya everyday along with other mantras. I have never had this much energy or desire to meditate."
And here is what Henny has to say
"The first week, I embarked upon daily chanting as one more task to be done and my chanting was very much directed outwards. I was chanting to someone ‘out here’, and in fact the volume was loud enough to be heard by the neighbours, I think. And I was very conscious of myself sitting there, chanting, and there was a feeling of ‘wanting to get the job done’.
Then one afternoon (early morning in California), I tuned into the live broadcast from the Devi Mandir, and I heard a Devi Mandir sadhu doing japa very, very quietly, tenderly and with great patience, and just listening to that voice made me realize what I had been doing. So, the next time I sat down for japa, I ‘listened’ to the memory of that voice in my mind, and that made me more centered and quiet, and then I began my chanting.
Gradually, over the next few days, I was gently drawn inside to the Presence listening within. And my chanting followed and it has become much more subtle, softer, and also much more peaceful. And now, when the mantra has taken me to that inner place where She listens, I forget to think about myself as one who chants, and chanting goes on inside of its own accord. Now, it is no longer a task to be accomplished, but an opportunity to enter into the Presence more and more, and something to look forward to. "
In the words of Swamiji, "We are trying to give ourselves the privilege of loving passionately"
As of Feb 11 2007, here are totals of those of us that prefer to do the sankalpa at the fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Michael | 12960 |
Janitri | 4084 |
Total | 17,044 |
and below are the counts for those of us that do the sadhana without a fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Babu | 1296 |
Bharata | 25000 |
Bharati | 8424 |
Brendan | 2150 |
Carie | 360 |
Chocatane | 10260 |
Chris K | 9180 |
Chris W | 9351 |
Debi | 26676 |
Donna | 12190 |
Durga | 2808 |
Egyirba | 6048 |
Eric | 27108 |
Gauri | 5400 |
Georgiann | 2591 |
Henny | 15120 |
Janitri | 5316 |
Jayadeva | 11664 |
Julia | 10860 |
Kalachandra | 9072 |
Kaliananda | 10368 |
Kamalaji | 9770 |
Kanda | 10800 |
Karen | 12000 |
Kathy | 8776 |
Marsha | 7884 |
Maruthi | 20000 |
Mausumi | 9720 |
Michael | 7884 |
Michele | 3370 |
Morningsong | 12420 |
Muktimaa | 9288 |
Nirmalananda | 5300 |
Nanda | 9115 |
Papia | 11880 |
Parvati | 4320 |
Patty | 11388 |
Prasana | 9568 |
Prathibha | 10617 |
Raghu | 13284 |
Rebeca | 8100 |
Rick Veda | 34020 |
Robin | 7800 |
Rolf | 6264 |
Rukmani | 6048 |
Sadhu Maa | 6804 |
Sadhvi | 25600 |
Shubal | 5616 |
Sitara | 1124 |
Sundari | 11340 |
Shankari | 3780 |
Surya | 73224 |
Susan | 8532 |
Usha | 26136 |
Vasantha | 11000 |
Wendel | 7200 |
Wendy | 15444 |
Vinay | 2160 |
Visveshwar | 24732 |
Yogini | 25920 |
Total | 709,470 |